Some people have a work-life balance. Others are freelancers and load on the work while we can get it, which cough might not be healthy for us, and coughcough our wives might wish we would rein it in.
Now there’s always my usual standby (manual goal, +1 when I meet the goal), but I’m actually thinking I’d like it to be somewhat out of my hands (to avoid the temptation to say “well today it was justified” so it doesn’t count)… and I’d like to be stung every time I go over, with no buffer or anything (because my work can be quite variable and I could easily rack up safety buffer for months and months and then go a month overworking every day, or something stupid). So I think that’s a non-cumulative goal I want, probably… which means I’m eyeing @mary for potential advice here.
I track my work hours using Toggl. I have beemium, so I can do custom goals.
If you wanted to ensure that you worked less than 8 hours every day using a normal sum goal, you’d have to use autoratcheting to avoid building up buffer on days you worked less than 8 hours. By not using summing, seems like you avoid that need.