Goal Tracking Experiences Survey

Hello, my name is William Saunders and I am a graduate student in the
Department of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. I am
currently working on a research project supervised by Dr. Edward Lank in
the School of Computer Science.

This study will investigate feedback mechanisms for goal maintenance
tracking systems - systems used by individuals to track personal data to
help motivate them to achieve and maintain progress on goals. The study
will help us to understand how individuals use self-tracking and goal
tracking systems. The aim is to produce novel designs for improved feedback
and visualization mechanisms for these systems, helping individuals to
engage in positive behaviour change areas such as health and the

If you volunteer as a participant in this study, you will be asked to fill
out a survey taking 20-40 minutes, focusing on topics related to
self-tracking and goal tracking, personal behaviour change, self-tracking
and goal tracking systems, and personal experiences with these systems. If
you choose to provide contact information, you may be invited to
participate in an in-person or telephone follow-up interview at a later

I would like to assure you that this study has been reviewed and received
ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics
Committee. The final decision about participation is yours.

If you are interested in participating, please follow the URL to the survey
web page, which includes more details including specifics of how your data
will be used and kept.

Survey URL

The survey will be open until midnight on Tuesday, December 3rd.