Gratitude journaling together

  1. Listening to music while I work makes the day fly by.
  2. Actually wrote a postcard to send in Postcrossing, for the first time in ages.
  3. Made a friend happy with a surprise.
  1. SGQ: I woke up early and went to the gym! Good job, me.
  2. Chocolate croissant at breakfast and tteokbokki at lunch. Yum!
  3. Work’s looking to be much calmer this week than last.
  • self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful that i did some uni work before leaving the house today. way too tired and unmotivated now.
  • i’m grateful that i decided which festival events to visit this week. it’s only gonna be two, because i have a presentation on monday and other plans through the week, but i’m looking forward to those two.
  • i’m grateful that i spent a nice and peaceful day with my mum.
  1. A magpie arrived at my window this morning, looking for food.
  2. Jeremy bought me two tiny vials carved out of obsidian and chalcedony, on golden necklace chains.
  3. Fresh porridge.
  1. SGQ: Recognized when I was in a bad mood and took some steps to feel better.
  2. Discovered the show Great Pottery Throw-Down which is at once interesting, wholesome, and hilarious.
  3. Time with my sister.
  1. Rearranged furniture in the office - much more pleasing
  2. Got to the gym early in the day
  3. Finished the building of shoe shelves made from a reclaimed bookcase
  • i’m grateful i had a productive day at the office.
  • self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful i’ll be in bed before 2 a.m.
  • i’m grateful that my life is full of opportunities.
  1. I’m excited to get back home because there’s a wild cat who picked a liking to our living room, apparently
  2. SGQ: not turning on my phone before going to work. There was an incident and it would’ve ruined my morning
  3. Deep conversation with someone I like

  1. Working sooo much today… I like it when the numbers are high
  2. The beach was really beautiful today.
  3. I found a great morning routine that’s easy to replicate
  4. Exciting projects!
  1. SGQ: I took a backpack full of ewaste to be recycled. It removed some clutter and was good exercise.
  2. On the way home I found a cafe with a nice garden and a spicy chai tea.
  3. I like the SQG acronym. Somehow it makes it feel less weird to do self gratitude.
  1. My request for extra time in the exams was accepted. It’s a very small accommodation, but it’s something.
  2. There’s something satisfying about writing practice exam answers.
  3. Yesterday one of my FFXIV friends made plans for us to look forward to after work.
  1. Eating good cooked food my mom made :pray:
  2. Being sleepy even though I did a siesta
  3. The world is full of possibilities!
  • i’m grateful for the weekly routine i have with my flatmate. every wednesday, usually (weekday may vary occasionally) we go grocery shopping and then eat dinner at a restaurant. it’s something to look forward to, or at the very least something that gives a bit of additional structure to my life. i think structure does me well.
  • self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful that i have confidence in myself, at least today. this is regarding a specific thing i need to be doing: i have a uni presentation on monday. i need to do A Very Lot (almost all?) of the work/preparation still, and i was feeling horrible about this/everything for the past few days. but today, for whichever reason, was better, and i once again feel like i might actually be able to do it. only time will tell, of course. (it’s not like i spent a lot of hours working on the presentation today, i couldn’t, i was at work. i’m gonna do a few minutes now, though, to make sure i don’t derail, and to make at least some daily progress.)
  • i’m grateful that i feel better today, compared to the last few days. sometimes sleeping fewer hours does me well? that’s probably not true, i guess i should say despite sleeping not even 6/7 hours last night, i ended up feeling very great today (compared to yesterday and the day before yesterday).
  • i’m grateful that i was able to superbly concentrate on work today, and that i was motivated and organised enough to even get there 15 minutes early. being early for this job hasn’t happened in months for me, i think. being on time as well, actually, probably. :p so this is a huge feat! also considering i had 100 e-mails waiting for me this morning, only having left about 30 now feels pretty great! (it means i actually got rid of more than 70, because some kept arriving while i was at work, obviously. but also a few of them were spam/newsletters, which i could just ignore/delete. and not all of them required an answer anyway. most required at least an action though.)
  • i’m grateful again for music. music is great!
  1. SGQ: I have strong & well-placed confidence in my ability to learn new skills.
  2. Our first tennis lesson today was a lot of fun!
  3. Specialty decaf coffee is actually pretty decent these days.
  1. Shipped the linux server I’ve been building for a birthday present
  2. Our cats are so fluffy and hilarious when they play chasing games
  3. Reorganised room looks much better
  1. I learned a horrifying fact about human biology (if you want to know, google “intussusception”) and could immediately share it, with dramatic flair, with my wife. (Normally I do a whole “Today I Learned” infodump at bedtime, but this fact could not be contained!)
  2. The bunnies did not squabble in the middle of the night last night, so my sleep was uninterrupted. Whew.
  3. I have discovered that I can buy a subscription so I just get the latest British Library Crime Classic reissue every month, direct from the British Library. Tahdah! You better believe I’m setting that up in May (I have April’s book, preordered elsewhere, already).
  1. SGQ: I deleted most of the games from my tablet.
  2. Jeremy’s bonsai mountain (a pleasing collection of rocks with moss growing over them) has sheep! Tiny little white insects, probably wood lice, climb out of the moss and scamper to the top of the mountain whenever the moss is watered.
  3. We were visited by a ringtail possum tonight for the first time in several days and she let me sniff her fur - they always smell like nectar and don’t mind being gently huffed. <3
  • i’m grateful for the short films i saw today.
  • i’m grateful that my friends seem to like my outfit for the party tomorrow. it’s probably still underwhelming, but i hope it’ll fit the dress code and they let me in, lol.
  • self-gratitude: i’m grateful for going to bed much earlier than last night. a full 8 hours seems unrealistic, but it’ll hopefully be a good 7, which seems like an amazing prospect.
  1. SGQ: I was able to work 8 hours today :sunglasses:
  2. It’s midnight, I should be able to go to bed early enough today. :sleeping:
  3. I have tons of cool events and parties to attend :partying_face:
  1. SGQ: I’ve done, I think, a really good job protecting my and my team’s time at work, this week.
  2. The wonderful puzzles and their designers showcased on Cracking the Cryptic[YouTube].
  3. We finished taxes on time.
  1. Jeremy and I went for a walk at lunch time to get fish and chips.
  2. SGQ: I dropped off some things I don’t need at a local charity shop.
  3. The weekend is here finally. It’s been a frustrating week at work so I’m glad of the break.