How to Beemind Folding Laundry Right Away?

This is for folks who want to maintain some semblance of Quantified Self (QS) and know how many days you folded laundry as well as how many days you checked whether there was any laundry to be folded.

If you’ve got access to custom goal types, then you can set the aggregation method to the badly-named binary setting which counts any entry as though it were a 1.

Enter a 0 on any day that you checked and didn’t need to fold, and a 1 on any day when you checked and folded. The graph will bump upwards regardless, but the zeroes and ones in your data will let you find out how often there was actually laundry to fold.

Obviously, you still need to actually fold the laundry.

n.b. if you want zeros to count as zero, then use nonzero