I treat my dashboard similarly in terms of working my way down my dashboard. Or maybe I take it way further? I touch absolutely everything (even the permanently-flat goals) every day, where “touch” means I check whether I need to do anything and then do it if need be; that’s why I diligently do and enter data on (say) my YNAB goal even though I don’t have to do it because I have a ton of safety.
I essentially “check off” my goals using zzq’s browser extension to collapse them to the bottom, so for me it becomes a to-do list with the addition of my lovely graphs.
(I’ve just realised re: having a ton of safety that part of the reason I don’t just ratchet is partly that I don’t like the way ratcheting looks. I’m now tempted to manually ratchet some of my goals by editing where the red line was in the past to match the data… then there’d be a kink in the line, but not an unsightly step. I’d also get an idea in the process of the real rate I’ve been managing, which might prompt me to change my current rate. On the other hand, getting so much safety buffer feels like the carrot where the sting is the stick. Look at me overachieving! It’s like bragging rights only I’m the only person who looks at it much and I’m bragging to my own brain.)