Long, non-maintenance goals?

Hi folks!

I have a lot of long-term goals, many that have been going for 3+ years and will likely go another 10+, but those are all maintenance-y.

I am thinking of beeminding study of a particular textbook, but I’m thinking of setting the deadline at least 3 years out, based on existing workload.

So, that sparked a few thoughts, and now I’m looking to collect a list of long-term goals people are using with Beeminder, or want to use with Beeminder.

  • Dissertation edited word-count

  • Walking or running the distance to vacation destinations on my wishlist
    – (and then rewarding myself with credits for the trip)

  • Reading the entire Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    – (Might not be possible, but feels like I can only gain from the attempt!)

  • Reading 365 daily entries for grief workbook
    – (every 2-3 days for up to 2-3 years, depending on frequency)

  • Sorting through a nearly 18,000-note backlog folder in Evernote

  • Breaking a habit I’ve had since I was a kid
    – (using an auto-dial script that dials the max to the recent average, which means it has to keep going down)

  • Scanning the entire collection of my late Grandmother’s many photos to share with the family

  • Reading all of Spinoza’s works, all of Tolkien’s books, re-reading “On What Matters” vols, 1, 2, & 3, and other variations of this

  • etc.