- Visiting my girlfriend for about 10 days and taking a break from Beeminding and trying to be productive in general has brought into focus, how I need to stop listening (or half-listening) to so many podcasts!
- I recreated my goodreads profile
- I really enjoy using, which will also help me to retrain the habit of having podcasts on all the time
- I have a new digital scale!
Learning Finnish
Current goals:
I’m thinking hard about removing the mondly goal, since the App itself doesn’t use a spaced repetition system and therefore I don’t really learn a lot while doing the short daily free exercise. I would go all in on memrise and clozemaster, but memrise has announced that community created courses (such as those I use for learning Finnish), will be moved to a new service called decks. So I first want to see how this plays out and will make a decision afterwards.
Keep a Daily Rhythm
Current goals:
The goals do what they are supposed to do. No changes here. I guess I would like to shift my times another 15 minutes earlier, but not right now.
Stay in Contact With Family
Current goals:
No changes here either.
Reading, Writing, Consuming Media
Current goals:
I looked into 750words recently, decided it was not for me, but also thought writing longer journal entries might be a good idea. Also: Maybe I should beemind the actual words written, instead of just that an entry happened. But I won’t change it yet. I still have to finish my new website, before any changes.
Last time I wrote that this goal needs a lot of work. And also that I discovered too many podcasts to be one reason why I don’t read as much as I would like to (see the lesspods goal below).
I’m playing around with @mary’s MCM-Dashboard right now and if I get it to work reliably, I will use it, to autodial my reading goal with the dashboard:
autodial.php dials your goal rates (of the goals you list) to the average for the last 4 weeks. Note that it currently only works properly for cumulative goals, but other types are coming soon.
So no changes yet here either, but hopefully when I have finished my work on a dockerized version of the dashboard, which should make it much more easier to use, I will have a self adjusting goal.
Key data:
- Allow one full podcast episode every day
- Weekends Off (allow 10 episodes extra = 12 episodes total on those days)
- manual data entry, would love to automate this somehow
New goal! I will be able to listen to one podcast episode for fun every day, but not more. I’m not yet sure if the weekends will allow for too much buffer, but I’ll see about it and if so will adjust accordingly.
This goal hopefully will help me to read more, listen to podcasts more mindfully and generally use my time more productively. I have listened to so many podcasts over the years that my ear became accustomed to the background noise. But this background noise was a low level distraction too. I’m really hopeful that this will make a huge difference!
General Productivity
Current goals:
Key data:
- Finding frogs is now tracked in its own goal
I think that I need a list of goals or something that I can chose the frog from if it doesn’t come to me (in theory this should be OmniFocus). I had now some days where I really couldn’t think of a “froggy” enough task so I just took any task that came to mind to be my frog for this day, only to discover later the same day, that there is a big fat frog right in front of me. Or I couldn’t think of anything when the day was almost over. I think splitting the goal in findthefrog with a deadline set to 12pm and eatthefrog (deadline at midnight) might help.
Key data:
- Find a frog by noon
As I said in the eatthefrog section, I want to condition myself to think of the frogs earlier, so this goal makes sure I think of them at least before 12pm.
Key data:
- Derailed, new pledge: 10$
- Deadline set to 12pm
I derailed on the goal, because my deadline was set to midnight even though I could only work on this goal before 12 pm. And since I didn’t notice it between my other goals in time, I had to wait for 12 long hours before the goal finally derailed. Super frustrating. Setting up goals more carefully should be an overarching goal in the future.
Key data:
- Clear your inbox once a day (the inbox doesn’t need to stay empty)
- Weekends off
New goal! This goal should help with clearing out tasks from the inbox, but also make sure that I won’t feel like I can’t dare to put new stuff into my trusted task manager.
Weight Related
Current goals:
- loseweight
- wiegen
- NEW! mfp
I have a new digital scale! I’m actively looking for a Yoga studio! Lots of activity in this area!
Key data:
- changed the commitment from weekly to daily
- deadline changed from midnight to 9:30 (before I leave the house)
The new digital scale makes it much easier to weigh in and the reported weight is much more accurate. I therefore decided to weigh myself as part of my daily morning routine.
Key data:
- log three meals with myfitnesspal every weekday
- weekends off, for now
New goal! I have decided I will log my calorie intake and myfitnesspal is a great free service (or rather a service with a free tier) that allows me to do just that. I had this goal unfrozen/restarted, actually, so there was not much to set up, except weekends off. Let’s see how it works first before thinking too much about it.