Martin's Beeminder "Tagebuch" (journal)


  • I managed to accidentally spill a WHOLE glass of water on my Macbook last week and I’m amazed that I can still type out this post on the same machine - I entered some emergency fake data so as to not derail because those were circumstances that I could not anticipate…
  • I consolidated my commitments and my monthly attention budget spreadsheets into one, which will help me to keep them synced. Single source of truth, etc.
  • A, to me, fascinating viewpoint that @zedmango expresses in two recent threads (number 1, number 2): A kind of “context aware beeminding”. That is, they would like to commit to things in such a way that they have eep! days when they wish (e. g.: every day), but they want to actually commit to doing the thing, when in the appropriate context nothing more important or urgent comes up. So it’s a little like a second order commitment: the commitment they want to “track” is a commitment of commitments that dynamically, depending on the context, changes what it actually is they want to commit to - but they do want to commit to this dynamic commitment no matter what.
  • I feel VERY good about my current high level productivity situation. Everything is reviewed, thought about and put into a working system. Still miss Omnifocus, but Todoist works. The next challenge for me is to spend my two work cycle sessions on the weekend not only on meta work… :wink:


Current goals:

blogcode derailed, because I didn’t plan ahead far enough and ran out of time.

Keep a Daily Rhythm

Current goals:

No changes.

Stay in Contact With Family

Current goals:

No changes.

Reading, Writing, Consuming Media

Current goals:

blogdraft is my catchall goal to make me write. I have had no real need for the blogtopic, since I don’t publish posts on a regular schedule right now.

General Productivity

Current goals:

No changes.

Sports, Weight Related

Current goals:

No changes.