Meta Beeminder for regularly logging into beeminder

So, thank God my mom, the founders of the internet, founders of beeminder, my imaginary wife and kids and whoever else deserves it for my Oscar worthy life performance in the last few months. After nearly 2 decades struggling with adhd symptoms (I am 29 almost and fulfilling goals has been miserable since homework became a significant thing in my life) I’ve hit the ground running. I was perpetually addicted to distractions, experiencing rare and lucky bouts of productivity only to crash and burn miserably. The one consistent thing that seemed to benefit (which I used mostly while unemployed) was focusmate. I realized I needed a change and switched my smartphone to an internet free Sunbeam F1 flip phone which I love. Then used cold turkey to block out distractions on my home laptop (and freedom for my work desktop.) I need to refine those further but this year i came across beeminder and in conjunction with previous efforts its been miraculous though ive spent a pretty penny on failures.

some of those failures were due to lack of discipline logging in data. Rather than letting this issue escalate to the point where I cant afford to keep using beeminder I’ve decided to be pro-active and tackle this issue and create a META beeminder-a beeminder that charges me if I don’t log my data in every day! Allah willing its gonna work.

Who else does this? I thought of it on my own but I am guessing a lot of other people have as well