MsBuzybody’s Accountability Journal 2021

I decided to do a weekly accountability post to help me in my attempt to get back on track with my routines. I created a Beeminder goal a long time ago for this but this time I checked the weasel option so I can’t talk myself out of backing out and using another forum or system which realistically I have not found one has the bite of Beeminder.

My current Beeminder goals are:

Accountability 2021: I will post an update to the Beeminder forum once a week with how I am progressing with my Beeminder goals. This should work since I am less likely to talk myself out of things and be more productive if I know eyes are on me. The goal will be updated with a link to the accountability post in the comments section. If I get this goal down it is highly likely all others will fall into place. It’s working with the weasel option so far… I had given myself a seven day leeway and this post is due tonight lol.

No screens: This was originally intended to keep me off my phone in the mornings. This is all screens except my Apple Watch. I do a few routine things on it in the morning. I use the iOS Sleeptown app and am repurposing the ‘in bed’ time and having that synced to beeminder. I like that it’s gamified and you collect buildings if you are successful in completing your set hours for the day. So you end up building a town as you go along. I have to keep that particular app open which of course means I’m not using other ones. Starting tonight I’m going to change the hours so that I am not on my phone starting at 1030 pm. That should also help me get off the phone and to bed a decent hour. I’m going to run it until 1030 am which means I can start my morning routine without distractions and gain momentum to do other things.

Routines2021: I am logging a minimum of 60 minutes of routines daily.

steps2021: Right now this is set for 6000 steps daily. This is below what I have done before I became inconsistent. I’m building myself back up to a higher number. I probably wont go for 10k daily until the weather gets warmer.

morningroutine: I was testing using the todoist app for auto updating this. But it doesn’t work because I still need to have todoist running in the background for it to sync the info over. I’m trying to get my morning routine done by 10am with no access to my phone or iPad. The issue is that I’m off my phone and need something that I can log from my Apple Watch. Tonight I will try testing ifttt’s do button to see is it will sync through my watch via WiFi only.

rewardspoints: Since having a positive incentive is good and also helps push me along the way. I’m mulling over setting up some hacked up automated system which pulls in points with ifttt based on my progress with goals. Right now this is hidden because I have to set up the ifttt rules.

Other habits I will eventually add to return to getting more consistent with is
Jogging a certain number of days a week
Violin practice
Yoga and 7 minute workouts
Being more sociable… as much as to be expected right now at least
Actually completing selected priority tasks selected for the day. I’m good at making todo lists…I could do better completing them lol!


My weekly update of Beeminder goals. Accountability 2021:
I’ve decided Thursdays will be my day for my accountability post since Thursdays and Sundays are the two days I’m not doing app lockouts. Plus it’s an admin day for me.

No screens: I still have the goal of no screens except Apple Watch starting about 10pm until noon. Actually for a short period of time I’ll be doing this until 7 pm. But I will be retiring this goal because instead of using the sleeptown app which requires me to take action for it to run…I will be using an app called our pact which just automatically hides all apps from my phone at a set time (10pm) except the basic phone apps. I can set whatever schedule I want.

Routines2021: going well with the count but my routines are a bit disorganized. Working on that this week.

steps2021: I’ll admit my 6k step count daily is a bit on the low end for me. I will be increasing this to 7k some time next week. And again later.

New goals:
Morninghabits: With this goal there are three things I want to get done by 10am. Dressed (at least out of night clothes) Bed fixed. A 5 minute pickup. There are other things in my morning routine but these are my top three.

phonedown: This is replacing my no screens goal. I use IFTTT push button from my watch to log to Beeminder when I no longer have phone apps access… still have the basic access though. phone calls. messaging. maps app etc. The point is no browsing etc.

Ended goals:
morningroutine: I ended this and replaced with the morninghabits goal. I tried using the goal by updating with todoist from my watch but it doesn’t work because I still need phone connectivity… which I’m not using phone apps during the day. I’m using the IFTTT push button instead which requires WiFi access only.


Beeminder has made a noticeable difference in getting my basic habits on track. Now the key is the consistency which is what I’m working on. Even though I had to push myself to get up and start doing routines a couple times this week I actually prefer doing that because I get a couple of things on out the way. Before that I would make my coffee get on my phone and just kinda get around to doing things… or not. lol

Accountability 2021: This is my 18 Feb weekly update of my Beeminder goals. Beeminder page

Routines2021: on track. Getting more established with routines. I know I need to up this number. It’s more a tracker right now.

steps2021: I just upped this number from 6k to 7k daily today. Usually had a 3 -4 day buffer but I need to get back to jogging.

Morninghabits: This has helped me roll out of bed and do my top three routines. One day I did it but forgot to log so I loss my $0 free pass. So I set an alarm on my watch as a reminder to log it!

phonedown: So this is actually good in helping me go to bed a bit earlier. I was going about 1:30 am or even later. Now it’s 1130 ish. Probably adding meditation and getting back to jogging will help me get more uninterrupted sleep.

New goals:
Night shower: somewhere along the way I started doing shower and personal care during the morning/early afternoon rather than at night. Night times cuts down on getting out the door when I want so this is a temporary beeminding thing for a couple weeks just to get back to my old habit.

Weekly5: I have a weekly cleaning routine that I follow. I am beeminding doing 5 minutes of that daily. It ends up being more than 5 minutes but tellling myself I only have to do a minimum of five minutes is just a mental thing to lower my resistance.

Ended goals:
No screens: I still have the goal of no screens but retiring this tomorrow. Well maybe… lol An explanation is in my previous update


Overall my habits are on the up and up but I did do some derailing last night. This just drives home the fact that I need to take care of most things by noon. Because I am a morning person and that’s the time of day that I have my most energy. And because things… and people can come along and get me side tracked.

Accountability 2021: This is my 27 Feb weekly update of my Beeminder goals. Beeminder page

Routines2021: This is going well but I’m going to do a slight increase in the number tomorrow

steps2021: Even though I increased the number from 6k to 7 k it really hasn’t changed my steps habit. Since we’re going into a new month I’ll start to beemind jogging.

Morninghabits: I’m glad I’m doing this but I resented it a couple days this week lol. I would have slept in more but I would have derailed if I didn’t get those three tiny habits done by 10. So it’s one of those habits that’s good for me even though I don’t like it everyday.

phonedown: Derailed. I was actually off my phone but didn’t add the data. I’m changing this so that certain apps are inaccessible by ten because there are some that I use to wrap up by day by 1030.

Night shower: on track

Weekly5: This small tweak in my routines is doing well. I have to add more routines to my list though.

New Goals

Improvement: Derailed. I’m beeminding time spent within a self improvement forum

Videos: Also derailed. This is 15 minutes of self improvement videos daily.

7 minute workout: Beeminding how often I use the 7 minute workout app


I’ve been using the concepts behind getting things done and atomic habits. It seems to be working for me. I’m doing small habits and following getting things done breaking tasks down into small elements. Right now I’m doing tweaking as far as getting an overall system down and figuring out when to do what.

New Goals

Peebles: one small thing to do the next day

Completions: post when pebble task completed

FlyLady missions: daily mission from

Accountability 2021: my goal was to have this done on Thursdays but the past couple of weeks it’s been on my last due day…Saturday… which is a buffer.

Routines2021: on track

steps2021: on track

Morninghabits: Getting my top three things done by 10 has been working. Even if I get up later than my desired time I still have it done by 10.

phonedown: I’ve been temporarily using an app called screen time. This is not the screen time that comes with iphone. It completely removed all apps except the iPhone apps and it also disconnect my Internet connectivity.

Night shower: On track.

Weekly5: On track.

Improvement: I have this set to be due at midnight but I’m thinking about moving it to noon maybe because when I don’t get it done early I end up pushing it off.

Videos: for self improvement. on track

7 minute workout: Changing to a noon completion has worked well to keep me doing the habit

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I derailed twice this week on doing work and interacting in an improvement forum that I joined. One derail for interacting in the forum and one for watching videos that go along with it.

Peebles goal and completions goal: I post a small thing I will do the next day but would somehow like for the associated completion to be attached to the same goal. I added a new goal to test this out.

FlyLady missions: on track

Accountability 2021: on track but still not posting on Thursdays as my new plan.

Routines2021: on track

steps2021: on track

Morninghabits: On track but swapped my fix bed routine with seven minute workout. Only because my bf is not up by my 10am goal time.

phonedown: Using a third party screen time app. I’ll be adding another goal that will derailed me if I delete the phone profile that allows the app to limit access.

Night shower: deleting.

Weekly5: On track.

Improvement: derailed

7 minute workout: On track

I hadn’t been doing my accountability post. The nights of posting I would be on the road. So I think I’ll change the posting time to noon so it will be earlier… and more likely to get it done .

I have had various derails the past few weeks but will be using the upcoming week to be more consistent. I’ll be posting updated goals.


My goal was to make adjustments and add a couple more goals but because of family dealings I am just maintaining for the moment. The only issue I had was that the routines goal was not updating… Causing an erroneous derailment. But that was because my Apple Watch was not syncing with my iPhone.

I’ve been revamping goals and habits overall. Ideally I want to automate goals somehow through apps that I already use maybe with ifttt or the shortcuts app. I forget to log sometimes in Beeminder. For example my routines goal is automated through use of an Apple mindful minutes. I’ll be ending the following goals:

Pebbles : This was to track one small thing to complete daily. It was to get a jump start on motivation
FlyLady missions: I have other declutter priorities. I may make a Beeminder goal for it.
Weekly 5: this was a jump start for weekly routines when my motivation was lower. I have a system in place now.
Improvements: This was to track posting in a self improvement forum that I’m no longer taking part of
Morninghabits: Routines back in place. Using the streaks app on my Apple Watch.
Phone down: will be using the Apple Screentime app that comes with the phone and ipad.
7 minute workout: Deleting this until I figure out a way to just log the seven minute workout app. In its place I may just log 150 exercise minutes Weekly. This will include yoga powerwalking and seven minute hiit. I prefer it not be all exercise collectively though.

Other goals.
Accountability 2021: on track
Routines2021: on track
steps2021: on track. Steps have been adjusted to 9k weekly.

Quick post off my current goals for Accountability

Accountability 2021: on track

Routines2021: on track

steps2021: on track

I keep meaning to use more Flylady stuff because a lot of folks on Habitica swear by it, but so far it sounds like a lot of effort, ahaha. Did you end up making a goal for this? What exactly did you decide to beemind?

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