Narthur's Beeminder Journal

With so many goals, remembering what’s happened in a given week can be quite difficult. So I’ve written a Python script to hopefully make this easier. It does the remembering work for me, generates some Markdown, and then I just need to add descriptions, etc. Very much open to feedback. :slight_smile:

Update 2019-04-29


Key Value
Number of goals 43
New goals this week 3
Newest goal av-wp6-time (2019-04-25)
Oldest goal worktime (2018-06-05)
Highest pledge work-commitments ($2430.0)
Total pledges $2715.0
Derails this week 2
Systems upgrades this week 6

Random Goal: sn-zero

This is one of my inbox-clearing goals. I’m currently using TaskWarrior as my main todo list, but there isn’t really a good way to use TaskWarrior on a phone. So I have a note pinned to the top of SimpleNote called “Inbox.” That note can get pretty stale if I don’t clear it out often, so this goal ensures I do that. It’s doing just what I asked it to.

New Goals

  • fam: Created 2019-04-23. Since getting married, I’ve found it quite challenging to make the time to call my family regularly. I’m hoping this goal will make that happen, and help eliminate another source of guilt in my life.
  • av-wp6-time: Created 2019-04-25. I now create short-term time goals for each of my contracts, ensuring that I put in the time each week that I assumed I would when estimating how long it would take to complete the contract. End result, Beeminder keeps me on track and helps me build trust with my clients.
  • buffer: Created 2019-04-22. This is an experimental meta goal designed to encourage me to start building up buffer on my goals. I talked more about it here.


  • buffer: 2019-04-27, 2019-04-27. This weekend I actually derailed on three goals, but this one is the only one that I haven’t deleted the derail commit on yet. The three were buffer, bed, and dirty-plates. My wife and I took a weekend trip. I put most of my goals on pause, but thought I would be fine leaving these unpaused. Turns out we didn’t have Internet or data on the trip, so I had no way to enter data even though I kept up with the behaviors. Still working with support to clean up the mess. :stuck_out_tongue:

Max-Min Buffer Over Time

This chart shows the largest that the minimum buffer for any goal was during each day. (I really need a better way to explain this.)