New bee journal(?)- I want to add 100 goals and autotrack everything

Hey all,

Miguel here! Happy to have found beeminder after reading the blog post on your competitors. I’ve got a meditate 20 minutes a day setup at stickK that will just hang out there til the end date but I’ve setup the rest of my starter goals here.

I also loved Pact. I attribute my exercise habit to that company. However, rewarding actual cash seems to bring in too many headaches to truly implement well.

Starting my Beeminder small with tracking stuff I’m doing already that are good: 30 min of cardio a day and one entry in my gratefulness journal daily.

Stretching with one other goal: doing my weekly GTD review in Things. Have not been on top of Things at all so this is to gimme that kick in the shorts of using it again.

I’ll probably just buy the Infinibee plan for now, unsure if the extra features are useful yet.

However, as I wrote in the title, I am stopping myself from making too many goals. I’m scared I’ll burn myself out and end up in a bigger hole than I already am in.

I’ve also just bought Tody on someone’s suggestion to keep on top of tidying up around here. So many ideas!


  • Tracking my coding studying
  • Tracking my Anki
  • Tracking my submitted job applications
  • Tracking time spent reading
  • Tracking time spent doing hobbies I don’t often pick
  • Tracking my weight

I don’t really have a central thread to this posting or a question mostly wanted to say hello.

I do also have the itch to auto-track things as I’ve set everything up so far to be manual entry and I bet I’ll come to dislike that time spent. My scale is not connected. Wiring all my currently used apps up to Shortcuts or IFTTT sounds rad but I fear getting lost in the weeds there rather than spend my energy on doing the things.

I also suffer from GAD/CPTSD and if anyone else on here is willing to share what’s been successful for themselves I’d really appreciate it!

Very happy this community is here.


Welcome! I immediately thought of this blog post about Beeminding All The Things!


Thank you! Haha, yes I found this earlier today after I’d already written my post.

Slow and steady! I’ll stick to what I have now with four goals.

It’s definitely a feeling of being kind to myself that I’m doing what I can and also stretching a bit and adding one “new” “tough” thing in (my GTD Weekly Review).

Here’s to me being nice to me!


Thanks so much for posting, and the enthusiasm, and all the beeminding! Another blog post that came to mind when I saw this was :grimacing:

Keep us posted!

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Okay so it’s been a few days. I’m still sorta struggling with understanding how to manage my road. But the idea of weekends off for some goals and being able to scheduling in breaks with the road editor is pushing me towards Bee Plus.

I really wanna get on top of my video watching and podcast listening. Unsure how to start tracking those as I have a TV, iPhone, iPad, Switch that I use to watch stuff depending on the situation. Oh, and this laptop too.

Maybe the way forward is just tracking the time I am studying/working towards my career switch stuff? Which is honestly at zero right now. There’s probably pomodoro timer tools that can auto-report to beeminder from Mac, right?

I’m also super interested in Boss as a Service. Gimme that non-friend, non-family member, un-personal human accountability. I put my email in and am waiting for an invite. Hoping I’m early enough to not hit the New Year’s crowd.

Anyone else here do the switch to a software engineering career? I did a boot camp but I feel like I’m back at square zero with not having been on the studying or applying ball for a long time. I also intend to use to get some “live, real” practice for the interviews themselves.

I can do this. I can make these big changes slowly but surely over time. Happy to learn to lean on the training wheels that are these paid services. I can make these good habits happen.


(Unimportant side question but I notice that, despite being a new Beeminder user, you’re using the old term “road”. We attempted a clean break from that term earlier this year – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Hello Bright Red Line | Beeminder Blog – so I’m curious where you picked up the old term. Old blog posts probably? I think that’s the one place we haven’t attempted a full road-ectomy! Again, this is just curiosity, plus seeing if we missed anything in our webcopy.)

As for scheduling breaks, we actually have a prototype graph editor available to everyone. When we get that merged in with the rest of Beeminder we’ll decide whether it should still be a premium feature but it’s usable for free in the meantime! Not to discourage you from Bee Plus. That’s the cool kids plan.

Good question. I use TagTime but don’t really recommend it for normal humans. Toggl has the Beeminder seal of approval.

You must not be quite back to square zero since you now use zero-based numbering. :grin:

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The plan looks awesome, and looks like you’re off to a great start!

Also, you can sign up for Boss as a Service directly here as well, without the wait: Boss as a Service | Hire a boss, get stuff done . Good luck Miguel! :grinning:

Happy to chat and brainstorm about all things goals too! :grin:


Yeah, it must’ve been in the older blog posts that I read the old terminology.

I’ve done it now, I’m a Bee Plus!


Excited to sign up and brainstorm!
