Update 2019-05-24
Key | Value |
Number of goals | 43 |
New goals this week | 2 |
Goals scheduled for archive | 2 |
Newest goal | irl-evenings (2019-05-23) |
Oldest goal | worktime (2018-06-05) |
Highest pledge | retainer ($30.0) |
Total pledges | $275.0 |
Derails this week | 1 |
Systems upgrades this week | 6 |
Random Goal: tr-contact
This is a pretty new goal. It’s there to prompt me to reach out to current or potential TaskRatchet users for interviews. (If that describes you, go ahead and PM me and let’s talk!)
New Goals
irl-evenings: Created 2019-05-23. My counselor has been working with me to improve the quality of my sleep. Recently she discovered that I read newsletters on my phone while in bed. So, now I have a goal for staying off my phone an hour before bed.
- tr-emails: Created 2019-05-21. This goal is somewhat ill-defined, but it’s supposed to keep me consistent with sending out summary emails to TaskRatchet alpha users. It’s good enough for now.
- su-time: 2019-05-23. I didn’t sleep that well on my trip last weekend, and I had a bad night after returning, too. So I was super fatigued. And overwhelmed by the TaskRatchet alpha. Derailing on this goal felt like a big relief.
Scheduled for Archive
- bed: Now that I have another goal for avoiding screens in the evening, and I’m trying to leave my phone outside my bedroom, having to use this goal is a pain. Usually when I stay up way too late, it’s because I’m zoning out on a screen, anyway, so hopefully the no-screens an hour before bed goal will be sufficient.
- bic: This goal became pretty pointless given how aggressive my work time goals have become. I may need it again the future, but for now it’s being archived.
Overkill Top 5
- walk: 8. I’ve been trying out walking in the morning and the evening, as well as taking micro walks during the day when I become fatigued. All that ends up creating a lot of extra buffer on this goal. I’m kind of ok with that for now.
- tr-time: 8. The alpha has meant I’m spending waaay more time on TaskRatchet than I was previously. Hopefully it’ll calm down in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I’ve retroratcheted.
slick: 8. I guess I’m ahead on this one because I gave myself a break on my trip and still dressed up anyway. And easy goals just naturally get more overkills because… they’re easy.
- deflate: 6. Another easy goal that I’m consistent on, so it ends up getting a lot of overkills. I’m not sure I’m totally happy with how many overkills these easy goals rack up, but I’m not sure how to calculate the metric so they don’t.
- systems-upgrade: 4. I have been doing a fair amount of upgrades. This feels deserved.
A skeleton of this summary was generated using a Python script and then carefully filled in by hand.