Narthur's Beeminder Journal

Update 2019-07-02

My TaskWarrior system has succumbed to the same fate as previous todo systems—irrelevancy. @martyh mentioned AutoFocus recently, and I’ve decided to give it a shot and see if it works for me. I have a notebook and I’ve already started using the system. Wondering if anyone here who uses it also beeminds it? If so, how?


Key Value
Number of goals 41
New goals this week 1
Goals scheduled for archive 2
Newest goal msda-time (2019-06-30)
Oldest goal worktime (2018-06-05)
Highest pledge retainer ($30.0)
Total pledges $270.0
Derails this week 0
Systems upgrades this week 2

New Goals

  • msda-time: Created 2019-06-30. I’ve volunteered to manage the website for the church I attend. This goal will make sure I actually follow through and consistently put in the time.

Scheduled for Archive

  • frogs: This goal has gotten more annoying than it’s worth. I may use a goal like this again in the future, but it’ll need some re-thinking.
  • tw-changes: I’ve scheduled this one for archive in anticipation of AutoFocus replacing my current TaskWarrior setup.

Overkill Top 5

Overkills occur when I do more (or less in the case of a do-less goal) than needed to keep up with a goal. A high number of overkills indicates that I’m building up buffer very quickly, and may indicate that a goal is too easy.

  • walk: 12
  • dirty-plates: 8
  • mobile-youtube: 6
  • pills: 4
  • ynab: 2

A skeleton of this summary was generated using a Python script and then carefully filled in by hand.