Narthur's Beeminder Journal

Ooh I like this idea. What’s your rate and max buffer and other settings?

What about goals due today?

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Rate is 0.3 for starters, with weekends off. No max buffer. Just the do-more defaults other than that. I’m using my standard early bird deadline.

Goals due today, by definition, are already going to punish me if I don’t do them. This is for getting ahead on the goals that aren’t due today, which will at one time or another include most all my goals, since almost none of my goals have a rate of exactly 1 per day.

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So 0.3 25-min blocks each day? So 7.5 min a day?

No, not quite. Goals like this I measure in discrete blocks. So one 25 minute block roughly every three days.

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Huh? Isn’t that what I said?

There won’t be a day I do just 7.5 minutes. It’s either 0 or 25 (or a multiple of 25 if I’m feeling ambitious).

I’ve scheduled my shower and homework goals for archive, and renamed my half-past-seven goal to winddown-start, and created an accompanying pinned Winddown Checklist note in Google Keep. I’ve been thinking about replacing multiple goals with checklists supported by a single goal for a while. This is an experiment along those lines.

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Oh, I meant 7.5 min on average.

How does the winddown work?

The problem with the checklist thing is that you’re significantly reducing the reward, decreasing motivation. If you’re like me and find entering data in Beeminder goals very rewarding, that is.

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Yeah, I’ve never felt like the data entry was that big of a reward for me, but maybe I’ll discover otherwise.

It’s really as simple as a checklist in Google Keep that I have to start working through by 7:30pm (doesn’t have to be completed by then). It’s a do-more with a rate of 6 nights per week. No max safety buffer or anything else exotic.


Lol, when you say “data entry” you make it sound so boring. :frowning:
The reward comes from checking something off. :partying_face:

So you wouldn’t like my system for reading difficult textbooks, then - I write each page number on a separate line and cross it off once I’ve read that page.

My system for my project 240 is similar - every time I complete a 15-min time block I check it off multiple places: my paper journal, a separate piece of paper, and on Beeminder.

I’m pretty ADD so the extra dopamine from all that checking things off really helps.


I’ve added an evening walk to the routine at my wife’s request, and moved up the deadline to start by half an hour.

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I’m considering using TaskRatchet to commit to completing the work tasks I’ve committed to at the beginning of the day. That way I have to define actionable items I can almost certainly complete, and then complete them.

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You should check with the guy who made it - he’s pretty picky about that


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Ooh are you gonna have the money go to a random user, like with Beeminder? Otherwise paying TaskRatchet is not very motivating

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I want to! Unfortunately, it seems setting that up with Stripe is going to be a pain. :anguished:

Just Shirk and Turk it! Do it manually and send money to a random user by paypal or something!

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Yeah, probably the right way to do it. :wink:

I’m just not excited at all at the prospect of mailing people checks like I hear Beeminder does sometimes… :neutral_face:

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They’ve never mailed me a check, just paypaled me or credited back a derailment.

Why does that prospect bother you?

I think we (Mary) decided we shouldn’t pay people by crediting back derailments, but we ended up doing this elaborate thing – – where we can now pay people in premium credit so that’s now our first choice for users who also prefer that.


Yeah that didn’t seem right to me either back when you did it! Thank you @mary!