New Month's Resolutions

May /getout goal:

I achieved the goal, and archived it, because it was too lax and defined too broadly. I did get outside more than usual, but that wasn’t really what I wanted of it. It’s not really the right time to create a more focused goal for going for more walks… maybe once my exams are over.

June /check-in-amy goal:

In the last few days of May I started checking in daily with a friend who is going through a bit of a rough time, leaving voice notes and chatting back and forth a bit. It felt supportive and nice for me too. So on top of my usual /reachout goal, I’m doing this for a month (or until we get sick of each other). I’ve set the rate to 6/week, just so that if I’m really feeling down or something and I don’t think she’s up for hearing about that, I can skip a day here and there.