New Year's Resolution Thread 2023

Spring Goals Retrospective

  • endoscreen goal was extremely successful, and is sticking around.
  • Making the big to-do list of home inspection issues ended up making a big positive adjust to my gtd system in general, to be able to handle the sudden massive influx of tasks. Things are truckin’ along!
  • meditate is partially successful. Most of my sessions have been a bit desultory right now, but I’m happy that I’m trying at all. Over time I intend to get slightly more strict with myself about what counts as a real session, or possibly switch the goal to toggl, but for now things are definitely at least better than they were.

Bugs for Summer

As with Spring, phrased as identified: progress is already progressing!

  • I’m dehydrated more often than not.
  • I’m worried we won’t stick with tennis practice without taking expensive lessons.
  • One big part of why we picked the house we did was for hosting opportunities: as an extremely large-scale Beemind What You Buy endeavor, I want to make sure we actually make hosting happen!

Summer Goals

  • I created bottlefill to track how many times I fill up my water bottle. Big ups to @narthur for this technique: it’s been working swimmingly.
  • I haven’t created a beeminder goal for tennis yet, since it’s not entirely up to me whether or not it succeeds. I might end up tracking a metric like “serious attempts to go play tennis”, and count it even if the court is full or my wife is too busy or whatever? But I’m not totally sure. Regardless, I’m definitely tracking for myself how many practices we get in.
  • Similarly with hosting, I haven’t decided what metrics (if any) I want to concretely track, but it’s definitely something I’ve been paying attention to. We’ve been pretty successful up until last week when our downstairs AC went out, so unsurprisingly this is on a bit of a hold while I get that cleared up. Which is gonna suck massively, but such is life.