Pessimistic Presumptive Reports for Whittle down?

Bumping an old topic (I was originally going to add this to a post here: An experiment to beemind “keeping on top of grading” but didn’t want to derail the thread, and it’s more appropriate here anyway.)

@dreev The interface says that pessimistic presumptives don’t make sense for whittle down goals, but maybe having it so that it’s just creating a point that is above the limit every day would keep us from sticking our heads in the sand? It doesn’t make sense for it to be turned on by default, but do you think it makes sense for it to be available to turn on? There are at least a couple of us using IFTTT or Zapier like the above example(s) to achieve the same thing (and that’s pretty easy to set up, but they don’t self-destruct, which could be neat).

They’d need to be entered at the turnover time for the next day, though. (I.e., instead of adding a PP datapoint for the day that’s just passed, adding it for the day that’s just started, so that there’s plenty of time to notice it and enter a real datapoint, and so that the goal with the unentered datapoint appears higher in our list of goals). I actually like that idea for all PPs, but I suspect there are reasons why thats not how it already is.