Scarabaea's beeminder journal

General impressions

  • This week was many small things for the work project, but it feels like I am managing it okay without being too overwhelmed.


  • none?

New goals

  • photos_2024, as described above - has been working great since I created it last Sunday. One additional thing that helps is that I am separating a small part of that backlog in a separate Lightroom catalog and processing separately. After writing that comment on Sunday and switching back-and-forth between 2024 and 2025 catalogs, I had the insight that it’s not only because I want to deal with fresh recent photos that I abandon previous years’ backlogs - it’s because a fresh catalog with only a couple hundreds provides a much smoother user experience than one with thousands of files. So I am getting a positive reinforcement of UX when I switch to new years’ collections. Hence, I adjusted the workflow accordingly.

Completed goals

  • none this week

Changes to goals

  • none
1 Like

General impressions

  • Well, this week I ended up pretty overwhelmed with everything. I tried to add into my routine some things that were moved to the backburner and it all suddenly felt like a bit too much.

New goals

  • pages_arcs - with all the work load, I have somewhat neglected the eARCs that I am receiving through NetGalley. So I created a goal that leads me from one deadline to the next day-by-day, but it’s already pretty harsh at this point, especially since the current read is not a super-light one. Already derailed twice this week: one in the feet-wetting mode, one for money. And this definitely raises a question of whether it’s worth it to pay money for derailing on the activity that is basically about being able to get some books for free instead of paying for them.
  • nails - this is a resurrected one from 2017, but good-as-new: to remind me to use oil for cuticles, especially at this weather. Will make it seasonal or something.
  • birding_feb_complete - in addition to birding_2025, which has been running well, I am adding this one just for February, to lead me through completing the requirements of an internal challenge at eBird: 31 checklists where all the species have quantity estimates, not just “x” for “this bird was present, won’t bother to tell you in what numbers”


  • two for pages_arcs mentioned above
  • one for focused_work_early - yeah, pings simply wouldn’t come soon enough, one should always account for that possibility and have some buffer but I didn’t have any
  • one for the meta goal yesterday - do I have too many goals at this point? it often feels too much especially on Saturdays, when most of the weeklies are set to enter the range where they are noticed by the meta goal

Completed goals

  • none this week

Changes to goals

  • 5-a-day upped to 7 for the month of February as my monthly entry to the New Month’s Resolutions challenge
  • breaks across most of the goals for the next Sat-Mon for a trip

General impressions

  • As any last week before a trip, this week has been pretty hectic, but I am mostly managing it. There isn’t really what to report in the regular scheme of derailments/finished goals, so I decided to do a check-in on how recently introduced goals are working.

Update on recent new goals

  • pages_arcs - works fine, despite the couple of derailments initially. I have now finished one book with this goal already and started a second one. I have changed the metric to Kindle locations from real-life pages, since ARCs usually come without pages and I had to do an additional calculation to figure out my current page.

  • nails - works great, my nails and cuticles are grateful

  • birding_feb_complete - I am honestly not always sure about the utility of this goal. I can definitely do it, wouldn’t do it without the goal… but the real-life meaning of the need to track for at least five minutes all the 6 pigeons that are observed in my yard… slips me quite often.The annual goal birding_2025 which gently nudges to go without too long of a break seems more reasonable.

  • photos_2024 - works great, I did some intensive attack on the photos backlog on the weekends. With the ratcheting, it now says that I will do done mid-July, having already cut a month (while having the goal for less than a month).

  • bookblog_wordpress - recently was wondering why the script doesn’t seem to work and add a bump for the recently finished-yet-to-be-reviewed book. Apparently, I had auto-ratcheting, which is absolutely unnecessary now that the road is flat. Glad to catch this inconsistency before it cornered me to commit to something I am not able to do, like review more books that I have even read :slight_smile:

  • 5-a-day, which is actually 7-a-day for this month of February. Most of the days, it gently nudges me to make a salad instead of something less time-intensive like cooked rice with eggs. But I have almost totally stopped doing any cooked vegetables, because there’s now an implicit “if spend energy cutting veggies, make it count”. Will see how it works when I will be away from home for the next 1,5 month. I am usually even more lazy with cooking anything elaborate when my partner is not by my side to enjoy the meals.

  • teeth_by_noon - does what was intended for. integration helps.

  • to-dos-dones - works fine, though this set-up doesn’t effectively catch the fact that I am completing to-do items slightly below the rate. Mostly works as a reminder to set intentions daily.

  • lit_classnotes_anki and lit_anki_cards - two metrics to make sure I look through my lesson notes and make anki cards out of them. Works as intended! Side effect: it was fun to look through lesson notes from a year ago and get reminded of what were the relevant concerns in my life then. (A significant part of the classes is speaking practice, so the lesson notes reflect current personal life events by reiterating what we said but in the grammatically correct way)

  • the 3 tbr goals - I am not sure they are working as intended, because I keep purchasing more books for my project (kinda justified, it’s my paid job) without always scheduling a jump beforehand, and requesting the ARCs totally at a whim

  • forum_journal - obviously, working great! Side effect: I am much more conscious of my beeminding than I have been for years, when I would just keep the same goals with the same rates. And here just look at how many new things I have tried to track recently :slight_smile:


General impressions

  • This has been my first week in North Macedonia. Despite the distractions related to settling in the rental, I was able to dig into my project and some other goals.

New goals

  • transl_done - I have this small side hustle where I am sometimes sent phrases for translation for a website localization. Unfortunately, I am notorious at ignoring them for days when they appear because it’s only a small junk of work every time and I have many larger priorities. So I created this goal, powered through Intend, that should catch me against ignoring the thing for too many days. Most days it’s just a “+1” for having checked that there’s nothing new. Might need to impose auto-ratcheting, will see.

  • sleep_by_12 - another thing that I have noticed it’s hard for me to manage by myself is the bedtime. My partner is much more of a morning bird than I am, so when we are at the same place, the bedtime is instigated by his routines. When I am away, I realize that my own ability to adhere to a reasonable bedtime has atrophied. Well, will see how helpful beeminder will be for that. The goal expects hours before midnight, currently set to 0:30/day (meaning, to impose the 23:30 bedtime on average).


  • none, as far as I remember

Completed goals

  • none this week

Changes to goals

  • none this week
1 Like

General impressions

  • Second week in North Macedonia.
  • The work has been going okay, although maybe I have been prioritizing the wrong thing (more thorough research for a paper for which only a brief abstract is needed now) - but I am done with it anyways and will prioritize the right thing next week.
  • Was able to gain some buffer on the pings goal this week - it became very hard since I upped the number from 30 to 35 since January. Now I will be able to allow myself to go on an excursion or a hike if the opportunity arises or the weather is really good, even on a work day.

New goals

  • I have realized I am doing something wrong with my TBR goals. When the allegedly whittle-down goals look like this, it’s a clear sign something is not working as expected

    Specifically, I thought about the goal for advanced review copies - it actually doesn’t pass the “want-can-won’t” criterium! I don’t really want to reduce the number of ARCs that I have at hand. What I actually want is to avoid the situation when I grabbed too many that all due within a short period of time, so that reading and reviewing becomes more of a chore than fun. So I am for now changing this tbr_arcs goal to a flat line at 15 (maybe will lower that to something around 10 or increase over the next months, it’s experimental), to allow for having quite a lot of them waiting for me to read. Instead, I will be beeminding what I called “arcs overwhelm” - I made a script that will look at the number of days for which I will need to be reading above certain number of pages/kindle locations per day, assuming that anything below that number is now an overwhelming schedule. (The actual numbers will be put to test of time. Currently the cut-off is 300 locs per day, which seems fairly doable even if I have other things to read in parallel, which I always do.) I will be trying this out and then maybe think of other solutions for the other TBR goals. They all are somewhat different - for ARCs, you grab “shiny, new” that you will be reading in several months’ time, while for library copies, you grab “shiny, new” that you should read within the next couple of weeks. Or maybe you join the line for something that looks “shiny, new”, and then your turn comes months later when it’s not as relevant anymore. And for the purchased copies… well, “never” is still the option for many, as they don’t come with a deadline at all.


  • sleep_by_12 - somehow ended staring into my phone until 1:30 am. Well, the goal has been working fine the other days, I would have been doing this many more days if not for the goal, so all is fine.

Completed goals

  • none this week

Changes to goals

  • the changes to tbr’s mentioned above
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General impressions

  • It feels like spring now in North Macedonia. With the weather being better, I have started and will focus more on incorporating some sightseeing around the city and into the nature into my weeks.

New goals

  • I put in more thinking and coding into the issue with the never-read purchased books, and now I have a goal tbr_pur_pages_stale which tracks the total of pages in unread books - but with the caveat that the number increases exponentially as the books “age.” Theoretically, this should motivate me to read those that I purchased earlier and forgot about them. This will also be my goal-of-the-month for March.


  • None this week

Completed goals

  • 5-a-day - after the initial few weeks at 5/daily and the entirely of February at 7/daily (goal-of-the-month challenge), I decided that I am eating enough fresh fruit and veggies on my own, and the added trouble of remembering everything, calculating the servings and updating the datapoint if I happened to add one more fruit closer to bedtime - it’s just not worth it to continue in the long run. But it was interesting to look at this with numbers.

  • birding_feb_complete - the goal supporting my participation in eBird’s monthly challenge where you have to submit at least 31 checklist during the month, all of them complete and with all numbers at least estimated (instead of just X for presence). Well, that was a bit too much, although I finished it after all, at 35 complete checklists. I will stick to my goal that just nudges me to submit checklists once in a while, without joining more monthly challenges for now.

Changes to goals

  • None this week

General impressions

  • I was planning to work routinely for another week and then leave the week after that for sightseeing, but a few days ago I realized that the week I planned for sightseeing will be cold and rainy. Ugh. So I am now changing plans and starting the car rental for sightseeing this upcoming week. Because I only realized that on Thursday, the flat spots for time-intensive goals only start next Thursday, and over this weekend I need to work my way through to the start of the flat spots. In any case, I was thinking I am only entitled to one week off my project, so instead of a one-week vacation, it will now be two weeks half-vacation half-work, I guess.

New goals

  • None this week


  • sleep_by_12 - I am just getting into this vicious circle when I am too sleepy to get ready for sleep, and I just stare in my phone and obviously don’t care about any repercussions, because sleepy. The goal is not really helpful in changing that.

Completed goals

  • none this week

Changes to goals

  • the flat spots for some of the goals for the semi-vacation mentioned above