General impressions
- As any last week before a trip, this week has been pretty hectic, but I am mostly managing it. There isn’t really what to report in the regular scheme of derailments/finished goals, so I decided to do a check-in on how recently introduced goals are working.
Update on recent new goals
pages_arcs - works fine, despite the couple of derailments initially. I have now finished one book with this goal already and started a second one. I have changed the metric to Kindle locations from real-life pages, since ARCs usually come without pages and I had to do an additional calculation to figure out my current page.
nails - works great, my nails and cuticles are grateful
birding_feb_complete - I am honestly not always sure about the utility of this goal. I can definitely do it, wouldn’t do it without the goal… but the real-life meaning of the need to track for at least five minutes all the 6 pigeons that are observed in my yard… slips me quite often.The annual goal birding_2025 which gently nudges to go without too long of a break seems more reasonable.
photos_2024 - works great, I did some intensive attack on the photos backlog on the weekends. With the ratcheting, it now says that I will do done mid-July, having already cut a month (while having the goal for less than a month).
bookblog_wordpress - recently was wondering why the script doesn’t seem to work and add a bump for the recently finished-yet-to-be-reviewed book. Apparently, I had auto-ratcheting, which is absolutely unnecessary now that the road is flat. Glad to catch this inconsistency before it cornered me to commit to something I am not able to do, like review more books that I have even read 
5-a-day, which is actually 7-a-day for this month of February. Most of the days, it gently nudges me to make a salad instead of something less time-intensive like cooked rice with eggs. But I have almost totally stopped doing any cooked vegetables, because there’s now an implicit “if spend energy cutting veggies, make it count”. Will see how it works when I will be away from home for the next 1,5 month. I am usually even more lazy with cooking anything elaborate when my partner is not by my side to enjoy the meals.
teeth_by_noon - does what was intended for. integration helps.
to-dos-dones - works fine, though this set-up doesn’t effectively catch the fact that I am completing to-do items slightly below the rate. Mostly works as a reminder to set intentions daily.
lit_classnotes_anki and lit_anki_cards - two metrics to make sure I look through my lesson notes and make anki cards out of them. Works as intended! Side effect: it was fun to look through lesson notes from a year ago and get reminded of what were the relevant concerns in my life then. (A significant part of the classes is speaking practice, so the lesson notes reflect current personal life events by reiterating what we said but in the grammatically correct way)
the 3 tbr goals - I am not sure they are working as intended, because I keep purchasing more books for my project (kinda justified, it’s my paid job) without always scheduling a jump beforehand, and requesting the ARCs totally at a whim
forum_journal - obviously, working great! Side effect: I am much more conscious of my beeminding than I have been for years, when I would just keep the same goals with the same rates. And here just look at how many new things I have tried to track recently