Should we have a chooseable akrasia horizon?

It is actually from this post that I realized that my personal akrasia horizon is waaay less than 7 days. Like, it’s somewhere between 1 and 36 hours. This has made TaskRachet/Complice the focus of my efforts instead of beeminder.

That extra 120-167 hours gives me no marginal utility but does represent a huge cost in terms of flexibility. I tend to keep goals lower than I would actually like to have them because I’m effectively acting on week-old information! I was always frustrated by this, but it never occurred to me that the akrasia horizon was an arbitrary thing.

As for the support issue, it seems like there’s a problem in the system if customizing the settings of a variable like the akrasia horizon increases the workload of support in a significant way. I know this is also a barrier to implementing custom weekends.

All my beeminder headaches stem from the fact that it requires a minimum level of exactly the kind of short-term time-management and long-term planning abilities that I don’t possess, and seek to compensate for with beeminder.

The limitation there is that there are no recurring events in either.

But - I am slowly getting better at this now that I have a beetuning beeminder!