Adapting this from a daily beemail.
Do you have a @byorgey -style meta goal that, once a week, makes you look at your calendar for the week starting a week from now (so two weeks into the future) and set breaks – – on everything it makes sense to? I resisted making such a goal for ages and now it seems crazy not to have one. Unless you like the stress of juggling beemergencies and various events like doctor’s appointments or vacations. I often do like that stress but being prompted to consider how compatible your upcoming calendar is with your Beeminder goals is pretty valuable.
Also it can be a good prompt to think about which goals you actually still care about (thanks to @rperce for this insight). Sometimes I schedule a random long break in a goal if I’m not sure, just to see how it feels to not have to worry about it day to day.
I kind of think everyone should have a goal like this. So much so that if you disagree, I want to hear why! Also let’s give it a name. How about calendialing?
(It wouldn’t actually have to be a Beeminder goal either, if you have some other trigger prompting you to calendial at the same time every week. For some people a recurring calendar entry could suffice, come to think of it.)
STRAW POLL: How do you remember to calendial?
- A Beeminder goal as Prof Yorgey preached it
- A recurring calendar entry
- A recurring to-do list item
- I just remember to, with my brain
- I don’t edge-skate enough for it to be an issue
(It’s funny how susceptible to the typical-mind fallacy I am, as evidenced by how long it took for that last option to occur to me.)
When I conducted that poll by beemail (feel free to re-answer here, daily beemail people), I got some great responses. Turns out most people (who replied) already have such goals. Also I like @narthur’s name for this: “beetuning”. And check out this comment from Prof Yorgey himself, which perfectly illustrates the value of doing this:
Right now I am coming up to a megabreak for [exciting-sounding vacation], happily scheduled a week ago when my goal told me to. (“Wow, I didn’t realize we’re leaving for vacation so soon!”) Don’t even want to think about what would happen if I didn’t remember to do anything about it until, say, today – which would probably be typical, and means I would be scrambling to do several days’ worth of stuff on Friday and Saturday (which I do NOT enjoy).
Also @bee pointed out that she used to calendial for scheduling weekends off before the weekends-off feature existed. So, pro-tip for cheapskates who don’t want to pay for that premium feature I guess? (It’s fine, we don’t begrudge it!)
Also @gbear605 made a bookmarklet to make it easier to set dates all at once. Heart-eyes! And, yes, we intend to make this be unnecessary but, well, we’re slow / busy with getting dynamic graphs integrated. In the meantime, here it is:
Actually, it's scary-looking so let me put it discreetly behind this curtain
javascript:document.querySelectorAll('[name*=break_start].input-date').forEach((element) => element.value = '2021-06-20');document.querySelectorAll('[name*=break_end].input-date').forEach((element) => element.value = '2021-06-26')
Thanks, everyone!