We’ve got too many higher priorities to think too hard about the
name right now but I’m not sure I’m sold on meminder even in theory.
It really wants a hyphen, otherwise it’s either unclear how to
pronounce or it evokes meme-minder.
And hyphens are pretty sucky for domain names. So there’s that.
As for Elaine’s thoughts on “yellow brick road”… “honey trail” might
be too cute even for me. 
And the yellow brick road is at least bee-colored. I do agree with
consistency of theme though.
For those who like geeking out about names, this is my very rough
draft of a little essay on “nominology”:
Really appreciate these thoughts on the name, even if we don’t act on
them for a while!
Oh, taglines on the other hand, we can act on sooner, if people have
ideas about those. Here’s our current brainstorming list:
Beeminder: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Beeminder: Follow your Yellow Brick Road
Beeminder: Don’t flake out on yourself
Beeminder: Ending flakiness one graph at a time
Beeminder: Precommitment made more annoying [i’m a fan of the
self-deprecating ones]
Beeminder: Commitment made more annoying [‘precommitment’
seems redundant/confusing]
Beeminder: In-your-face goal tracking
Beeminder: What are you beeminding?
Beeminder: What are you beeminding?
Beeminder: Data-driven goal tracking
Beeminder: Automated accountability
Beeminder: Computerized coaching
Beeminder: Computerized coaching-cum-kibitzing
Beeminder: Create your own coach
Beeminder: Guidance for your goals
Beeminder: Daily guidance for your goals
Beeminder: A daily guide to your goal {}
Beeminder: The scientific way to achieve your goals
Beeminder: Hyperrational goal tracking
Beeminder: Bring long-term consequences near
Beeminder: Making you care about long-term consequences now
Beeminder: Turn long-term commitments into daily commitments
Beeminder: Make it matter now
Beeminder: What do you weigh today, bitch?
Beeminder: Lose weight and your money back!
Beeminder: Lose the weight or lose your money
Beeminder: A lose-lose situation
Beeminder: Better every day
Beeminder: Create-a-Coach
Beeminder: The path to your goal
Beeminder: A daily incentive to get to your goal
Beeminder: Be on your road tomorrow
Beeminder: A kick in the pants
Beeminder: Light a fire under your ass
Beeminder: A well-guided journey to your goal
Beeminder: Best check yo-self before you wriggety-wreck yo-self
Beeminder: See the big picture, get to your goal
Beeminder: Reaching goals
Beeminder: Driving off the road is hazardous to your health
Beeminder: Track it, back it
Beeminder: Show your short-term self who’s boss
Beeminder: Make your short-term self your long-term self’s bitch
Beeminder: Be mindful of your goals
Beeminder: The me-binder
Beeminder: Mind your goals
Beeminder: Daily accountability toward your goals
Beeminder: The reminding robot
Beeminder: Robotic reminders for goal tracking
Beeminder: Gradual results, instant gratification
Beeminder: Robotic kibitzing for goal tracking
Beeminder: Make the important urgent [thanks to andreas stuhlmueller]
Beeminder: Beat akrasia a day at a time
Beeminder: Better goal tracking
Beeminder: The akrasia antidote
Beeminder: If you can quantify it, you can beemind it
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:25, David Reiley david@davidreiley.com wrote:
I like beeminder, but I think me-minder is much more evocative. Beeminder involves two puns on top of each other, which makes it more of an inside joke than something new customers will get and remember. Meminder would be completely obvious, and still cute.
You could still use the term “beeminder” in various places, without making it the name of the site or the service.
On Sep 14, 2011, at 8:54 AM, A.J. wrote:
I like the name beeminder. Something about that is really catchy.
On Sep 14, 10:19 am, screen playa scrnpl...@gmail.com wrote:
hi, i like the name but “yellow brick road” is an inconsistent concept from
the old name, ie, while cute, “yellow brick road” could become something
like “honey trail”. you might want to keep all the elements consistent
within the same concept/theme as they’ve been borrowed from an old concept.
also, this concept is sort of 'toonish/kiddish and you might want to
consider this for the graphics. i think it’s cute…but i think you need
to build consistency around the concept of “beeminder”.
On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Daniel Reeves dree...@umich.edu wrote:
I was just talking to someone who wasn’t thrilled with the name
“beeminder” so I was telling them all the reasons it’s a brilliant
- Beeminder is a me-binder – a self-binding tool.
- “Beeminder” rhymes with “reminder”.
- It’s about “minding your goals” in the “mind your p’s and q’s” sense.
- Our esteemed co-founder Bethany Soule goes by “Bee”.
- Finally, bees are just cute (and hard-working!).
Anything I missed?
The name is thanks to Michael Tiffany. (Thanks Michael! )
http://dreev.es – search://“Daniel Reeves”
Follow the Yellow Brick Road –http://beeminder.com
My home page: http://www.davidreiley.com
“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.” – Abraham Lincoln
http://dreev.es – search://“Daniel Reeves”
Follow the Yellow Brick Road – http://beeminder.com