
I know has probably been suggested before and/or is too difficult, but an “undo” feature for very recent changes would be much appreciated. I just screwed a fairly longstanding goal up by retroracheting (which almost always does something different than what I am looking for). It pulled the goal’s end forward in time, into the akrasia horizon, rather than just lifting everything up (which is usually what I want, unless I’m just trying to fast-forward an already complete goal for archiving purposes), and then I had to extend the goal date again, and the road ended up looking haywire with one big flat section inside the horizon, and then a really steep section outside the horizon (i.e., a format that will not keep me accountable on a day to day basis, which is the whole point). When I retrorachet goals, I usually just want them to neatly “lift” right up, making the goal as far away as it originally was, because I have worked hard for a day, but don’t want to rest on my laurels. This seems more intuitive. On the occasions I have messed up something like this, I have wanted to immediately undo because in the cases where I try to fix it using other options, in invariably becomes even worse. Hence there are a lot of the powerful buttons on beeminder that I am reluctant to press, because they so often perma-messup my goals.

In another situation, I have a goal for a period of time to do 8 hours a day of work, and because of work done, say I begin a day only having to do 4. If I retroratchet it to EEP, I want to have to do 8 (i.e., the commitment as written), not have it stay in the same place because I’m still below the road. (I don’t know if I worded that one in a clear manner).

  • Chris

Thank you for sharing the feedback! This is mostly just a quick note to say that in cases like this, you might find the visual road editor (road.beeminder.com) useful to help you make the road harder! :slight_smile:



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That looks pretty good. So if I use that tool do I see potential changes that don’t go live until I hit “submit”? And will it let me make the road “harder” within the akrasia horizon? I had thought to access road editing features like that, one needed a more expensive plan.

  • Chris
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Yep and yep! The road editor that’s locked is a non-visual road editor. Honestly, the visual editor is way more useful for anyone who doesn’t spend their days in the guts of the non-visual road editor, but it’s not paywalled at all. :slight_smile:


So if I want to experiment with it there’s no undo, right? Would it be best to just create a dummy goal and play with it before the 7-day deletion deadline, so I can just get rid of it once I get used to using it?

  • Chris

Right, the visual road editor has an Undo button so you can make sure the road is doing what you want before you submit it but once you submit it there’s no more Undo. We should probably talk about a more concrete use case to make sure we’re on the same page…

But also, yes, you can experiment freely in the first 7 days of a goal since you always have the option to totally delete it until that point. (Even after that you can stop a goal but doing so has a 7-day delay. No more immediate deletion like in the first week.)