Want into the graph CDN beeta test?

Hi folks!

Want to help us test something out? We’re testing out something that’ll speed up some of your graph loading.

Depending on where you are internet-wise, and how big your graph SVGs are, this may be a big improvement!

Let me know your Beeminder username here or via private message and I can add you.

Let me know if you notice anything different afterwards!


“alys”. I’m in Australia with a relatively poor internet connection thanks to right-wing (ex!)government idiocy so this may be good for me.

rperce — I have stellar internet but I’m always down for beta testing! :smiley:



Narthur – don’t need it but want to try it!

I want to try it to if possible :slight_smile:

I wonder if adding loading="lazy" attribute to img tags would change something for you. This way the images are loaded only when they enter the viewport, so that Beeminder would load less images and maybe they will get a bit faster? (less work to do for the servers).

Oh, don’t worry, we have a long long list of speed improvements on the docket!

This has been rolled out to everyone.