Why does Do-Less goal message me when I HAVE entered data?

If I have not derailed on a Do-Less goal but have entered some/max data for the day, why does it want to message me?


  1. I have a Do-Less goal with a max of 3 units per day.
  2. I turned off autoratchet so unused units accumulate - e.g., today I have +4 safety buffer.
  3. I enter, say, 4 units today.
  4. It still sends me a message asking me to add data:
    Subject: bwiderski/less-sugar on 01/03 (limit: +0 today): respond with beeminder data
    You’re in the orange! +0 today
    Reply (above_this_line) with new data for beeminder.com/bwiderski/less-sugar
    Format: Day of month SPACE today’s number SPACE optional comment in quotes
    Recent datapoints:
    *02 1 “2 w cookies” *
    *02 2 “Mocha, choc almonds” *
    *02 1 “Tin cookies” *
    *03 1 “w cookies” *
    03 3 “Fudge, mocha, cookies”

I have had to turn off SMS messaging because it sends me a text every night waking me up even though I have entered data. I am not using PPR (would like to, but without SMS enabled I wouldn’t see its warning).

This feels like it is nagging me because I haven’t derailed.


Is this because you’ve got the “lead time” set to something? This is there to warn you a day or more in advance of when you’re actually in the red, so that you have a chance to do something about it earlier than the last possible day (e.g. if the task needs planning in advance).

Nope - lead time is set to zero.

I solved the immediate problem of being woken up by turning off SMS for this specific goal, plus setting my Do Not Disturb time on my phone to earlier in the evening (part of the issue was I’m trying to go to bed earlier but hadn’t reconfigured the DND for that!)

OK, I’ve had a bit of a look under the covers, and it looks like it’s warning you only when you’re within your daily allowance of the red line - does that match your experience?

It looks like this because your daily allowance is 3, and even though you’ve got PPRs turned off, the system thinks you might be about to derail. So if you’re closer than 3 to the line, it pings you.

If that’s right - and please do confirm if that’s what you’re getting - then it is a bit of a feature. When might you expect it to ping you with a warning for this goal? Maybe only if you’ve already crossed the line for the day? What do you think??

Yes - it pings me for any amount of data up to the max amount alowwable. But the message is confusing - if it’s trying to warn me not to do any more, why is it asking me to add more data? That’s not a feature for this circumstance.

Is this an artifact of the same message being used for both Do More and Do Less goals?