2016 Planning (aka Resolutions)

I just set up autoratcheting for two goals (sleep and reading), increased the difficulty on three goals (cheaper groceries, food money, and Habitica chores), and retroratched a bunch more so that I didn’t have such big safety margins.

Sleep is definitely gonna be my big challenge for the new year, and it’ll help all my other ambitions fall into place. For the last many years, I’ve had a really inconstant schedule, where I’d have to get up at 5:00 am somedays, but wouldn’t come home until 10:00 pm other days. Starting on Monday, though, unless some other freelance work falls into my lap, my schedule will be 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. That means I could conceivably sleep in until 11:00 every day, but NO! I will not do that! I’m gonna set myself an 8:00 am alarm every morning (even on Fridays!). That should have a host of consequences with effects on other goals. So I autoratched my sleep goal, and am gonna try really hard to get onto a sustainable regular sleep schedule for the first time in… Decades, to be honest. Possibly ever. Wish me luck.

  • I’ll be able to get groceries early in the day and maybe help do prep work like washing and chopping for dinner that day.

  • I want to start trying to commute to work (about 10 miles each way) on my bike instead of taking the train the first 8 miles and only biking the last 2 miles.

  • I want to do at least a little cleaning every day. This would be way easier if Beeminder supported Habitica Dailies (nudge-nudge), but my kinda hacked-together to-do list solution is working more or less okay for now.

  • Because I’m working so much less, we’re earning way less money, so I’ve got to work really hard on economizing. More frequent fridge cleanouts and produce inventory management to avoid wasting food is a big priority. Might have to make a Beeminder goal for this, but I’m not sure what to drop out if I do. Might delegate this to Habitica instead.