Figuring out this Complice thing

+1 for making this manual, but no objection to making it easy. My hope for Complice is that it will usefully and regularly make me reconsider the value of things on my list.

Part of the intro text to Complice says something about it not being just a todo list. My (premature, inexperienced, & naive) suspicion is that the tab label is right: it’s a today list, not a todo list.

Every other todo list app on the planet [citation needed] encourages accumulated cruft. Some of them will fade out neglected entries, etc, but they don’t throw stuff away or force you to rethink it. One reason that I keep returning to paper-based systems is because it’s easier to periodically restart with a clean sheet.

Which, as I read down the page, is pretty much what you said more eloquently: