Why should you pay for beeminder premium?

agree that the premium plans deserve a bit more love than they’ve gotten, so people are actually willing to sign up for them!! the bulk of revenue does come from derailments, so that’s probably a large part of the lack of attention/development.

[this][1] post i basically agree with in its entirety. i think i would do 2 plan options:

  • $5/mo: perks to make beeminding better - ratchet improvements, custom goals, URL changes (if this must stay premium). < insert potential future adds - sms reminders? customized goal tagging/sorting in gallery/apps? option to delete goals as well as to archive them? >
  • $15-$25/mo? idk: things that directly impact potential derailment revenue - $0 pledge caps & short-circuiting. < insert potential future adds - customizable pledge schedule and/or akrasia horizon? user-controlled “not legit, undo!” feature? a % of each derail and/or sub fee goes to org-of-your-choice? >

i’m not sure if anyone is beeing beekept at the time, but it’s a separate thing entirely anyway.

love @drtall’s “bank” idea for derailment fees as well, especially with the 50% cap.
[1]: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/akratics/QnzWuaM441M/4u_Cc34COocJ