Anyone running their company (contracts/promises) with the use of beeminder?

Yes, but usually with ultra-conservative yellow brick roads. I’d actually love it if more of us edge-skated more because that makes it nice and predictable how much people will be working. High pledges make it even better because then you know that any deviation from the YBR would only be for a genuine emergency, not just self-niceness.

But that’s pretty unreasonable to expect of employees!

Actually, what about this compromise, that’s somehow just now occurring to me: The convention for your work goal is to always keep as close as possible to exactly 7 days of safety buffer. That way you can always schedule flat spots for personal emergencies or whatever with no notice, so roughly no chance of derailing and coughing up your own personal money but also the YBR is meaningful and predictive about the time everyone will be spending.

I think there’s a much simpler version of all that that probably applies universally: However much safety buffer you’re comfortable with, stick to that amount. If you’re gradually accumulating more and more safety buffer, dial up the ambitiousness of your road. Arguably you’re not even really beeminding otherwise, since you’ve rendered the YBR irrelevant.

To go off on a supertangent, I’d love for that to eventually be built in to how Beeminder works by default, something like @mary’s auto-dialer where the road adjusts itself to your actual performance and doesn’t let you make a toothless/pointless yellow brick road (except maybe as an advanced or premium feature for those who know what they’re doing – currently roughly 0% of existing toothless/pointless roads!).