Automatically beeminding time between wake up and getting out of bed

I’m a newbee who’d like to decrease the time between when I wake up and when I get out of bed. The tools I have are

  • iPhone
  • Fitbit Charge
  • knowledge of IFTTT and Zapier integrations
  • knowledge of this post on beeminding bedtime: Beeminding bedtime

The challenge that I have, in addition to not wanting to get out of bed, is that I wake up about an hour before my alarm, so it’s not a case of not being responsive to my alarm. If it were, I could use this IFTTT recipe:

What I could imagine working, at least theoretically, is beeminding the duration between when my Fitbit first detects that I’m restless (after, say 5 am) and when my Fitbit detects that I’ve gotten out of bed. However, it doesn’t seem that my Fitbit exports the times of restlessness via IFTTT, and even if it did, I’m not sure how I’d send the calculated duration on to Beeminder.

I may have to just commit, for now, to an earlier alarm time and use the IFTTT recipe above, but I thought I’d check if there’s an integration that I’m missing.



You can get an app like SleepCycle or SleepBot that uses the iPhone accelerometer to track your sleep movements and wakes you up at the lightest moment of your sleep (REM stage I believe). I wouldn’t know how to Beemind actually getting up though.

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One of my close-to-first-thing datapoints is when I step on the scale. It’s a pretty reliable proxy for my getting-out-of-bed time. Doesn’t say anything about when I woke up though.

A sleeping pattern that I remember from my teenage years is the ‘just five more minutes’ lie. But I can imagine setting a stopwatch going when I’m awake and tell myself that lie, and then beeminding the resulting ‘extra’ time in bed.

Beeminder datapoints can be entered as times, so 06:30 is a perfectly valid data value. (Syntactic sugar; Beeminder converts that straight to 6.5) Can’t enter negative times (yet?) but could make an IFTTT recipe that inverts the datapoint.

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