Beeminding a specific craft project

Hahaha, because I can see all the mistakes I made in it now and I don’t want anyone to look at it too closely!

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May I suggest a hand knit blanket made out of chunky yarn for maybe really big books? They also look delightfully heavy.

Knitting! :scream:

(I crochet, mostly. :smiley: Wife is a knitter, though, and always wants me to try.)

omg I knew it! :joy:
But it’s hand knitting! No hooks! Right? Right?

But I totally get it! We learned knitting and crocheting in elementary and I always preferred the latter. There was some sort of satisfaction when I got the knitting just right, though. Still: For “turn your mind off” style DIY I’d go for crocheting I think.

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It’s been a long time since I updated this, but the project continues and the blanket’s been getting awesome:

(And Beeminder is successfully making me keep up with it.)


Beeminder: Curb your acrasia with a comfy blanket of willpower.