Monday, December 30, 2024:
I’m using some steps in How to beemind nebulous projects like doing your taxes or fixing a neurosis especially because
I haven’t added supporters yet, but I’m being accountable to BAAS.
My problem is finishing beeminding applying “Cognitive Productivity with macOS” by Luc P. Beaudoin to “Cognitive Productivity with macOS” itself.
The end state is to have applied “Cognitive Productivity with macOS” to “Cognitive Productivity with macOS” itself in order to master it and apply the 7 Principles to other “sources”/“knowledge resources”, which are the terms Beaudoin uses to refer to information in different media. For example, ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts.
The reason why I want to master “Cognitive Productivity with macOS” is because I don’t want to remain a Jack of All Trades, Master of None. I don’t have an expertise that I and others could perceive as having.
An expertise I want to acquire is copywriting/marketing, more specifically, email copywriting, marketing.
For this reason, I enrolled in an expensive copywriting program that takes place in January 2025, which I’m going to apply Beemind What You Buy to.
Another reason I want to master Cognitive Productivity with macOS too is because I have ADHD and the ebook has principles and tips I’m hoping will help me manage it.
The ebook has a total of 241 pages, which is why I decided to create an Odometer goal to track pages read and applied.
When I created applycpwmtocpwm, I had already read up to p. 29.
According to the “Amounts Due By Day”, I would have to complete:
Today, Monday, December 30th = 62
- Page 62 is on “Using the Finder as a Database with Ironic Software Leap and Yep” under “Principle 2: Manage Your Cognitive Life Mindfully”.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 31st = 92
- Page 92 is on “Assessing Arguments” under “Principle 3: Assess Analytically”.
Wednesday, January 1st = 122
- Page 122 is on “Imagination” and “The Mind as a Structured Control System” under “Principle 3: Assess Analytically”.
Thursday, January 2nd = 152
- Page 152 is the beginning of “Principle 5: Delve Deeply”.
Friday, January 3rd = 182
- Page 182 is “Section 3: Mastery”
Saturday, January 4th = 212
- Page 212 is on “The Case of Michael Stone” under “Principle 7: Apply Knowledge”
Sunday, January 5th = 241
- Page 241 is on “Legal” and is the last page of the ebook.
The Goal Date is 2025-01-05, the day before I return to work from my Vacation.
I’m thinking of finishing by Saturday, January 4th to give myself a buffer in case things come up.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024:
What I tried:
Yesterday, I did 5 Pomodoros on applycpwmtocpwm, but was only able to add 5 datapoints, therefore, I derailed $5.
What’s working:
What’s working is reading to find what Mortimer J. Adler calls “rules” in ‘Chapter 13. How to Read Practical Books’ in his classic How to Read a Book which are expressed grammatically as imperative sentences, if I recall correctly.
What’s ironic about finding the “rules” to apply in “Cognitive Productivity with macOS” is that Luc P. Beaudoin wrote a blog post critiquing How to Read a Book.
I have an Obsidian note dedicated to his project wherein I would re-type the “rules” in quotes, re-write the “rules” as a child node with the action verb as the first word in order to signal to my brain that this ought to be applied, and do it by doing it and writing about it the same note.
My outcome for this Obsidian note is to make this into a template for applying the 7 Principles to other “knowledge resources” in the future, especially the upcoming copywriting program that’s starting in January 2025.
I’m tracking my Pomodoros with the Forest app. At the end of the day, I take a screenshot of each Pomodoro and then email BAAS, which is my Ride or Die 2024 New Year’s Resolution to which I’m thankful to @shanaqui
What I’ll try next:
For “The Amounts Due By Day” I would have to complete:
Today, Tuesday, December 31st = 71
- Page 71 is on “Accessing Files with Spotlight” and “Accessing PDFs with Papers” under Principle 2: Manage Your Cognitive Life Mindfully".
Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 1st = 105
- Page 105 is on “Productive Discussions about Knowledge Resources” under “Principle 3: Assess Analytically”.
Thursday, January 2nd = 139
- Page 139 is on “Surfing with RSS Feeds” under “Principle 4: Surf Strategically”.
Friday, January 3rd = 173
- Page 173 is on “Delving Books with iBooks” under “Principle 5: Delve Deeply”.
Saturday, January 4th = 207
- Page 207 is on “Principle 7: Apply Knowledge”.
Sunday, January 5th = 241
- Page 241 is “Legal Matter”.
I’m realizing that this goal is pretty ambitious, but I’m still committed to finishing it.
I’m thinking of creating a Nebulous Goal on the journey of mastering this ebook, should I?
If anyone has any tips on beeminding books and its applications, please feel free to chime in as I’m all ears.