I’ve been reading the journals here and the blog posts.
And I’ve also been hesitant in creating a journal, therefore, this journal.
I’ve been reading @byorgey 's posts on the Beeminder blog and his own blog.
Especially Beeminding All The Things | Beeminder Blog .
Which links to his own blog post Beeminding for fun and profit | blog :: Brent -> [String] .
On the 1st bullet point “Big projects”, he writes
It’s also a great way to get some cold, hard data on how much time I actually spend on various projects (you can start with a “flat” goal and just record data for a while if you don’t know what a reasonable rate for the goal is).
I’ve been wondering how to start with a “flat” goal and searched and found the FAQ entry faq – beeminder .
My current project is speeding up my slow mid-2013 MacBook Air by retyping the Take Control of Speeding Up Your Mac ebook on the Tana app as I verbalize what I’m typing, making notes, and applying it because I have brain fog.
How do I make the retyping of pages a “flat” goal?
Borrowing from the example in faq – beeminder of
-0.001 pounds per week for weight loss — essentially flat
, I entered “0.001/7” for 7 days, which equals “0.000142857142857 pages PER DAY”.
Is this correct?
Or is “0.001” for a “flat” goal good enough?
The “units” for this goal is “pages” for a total of 205 pages retyped.
My starting stake is $0 and my pledge cap is $0 until I have collected enough data.
So the goal tcosuym-pages – experientiallearner – beeminder says :
+1 due in
1d 8h 13m 09s
or pay $0*
I started entering the data for the days I’ve retyped pages.
When I entered "20 1 “finished page 5, started page 6 at 08:44” ", it turned into +1 due in
19 years
or pay $0* .
When I entered data for the rest, it turned into -11 due in
76 years
or pay $0*
And there’s an infinity sign now on the goal page.
And when I hover on the “due in”, it says “safe for 14001 days”.
How long should I collect data before I know what a reasonable rate for number of pages retyped, which also includes making notes and writing out tasks to do?
I just realized that what I’m doing is similar to Dr. Yorgey’s
Is there a paper I need to review by a certain date? I make a Beeminder goal for number of pages carefully read and commented on.