Bug: value or type of dryrun ignored, only presence respected

Goal Resource
Create a goal for a user

appears to ignore the value of dryrun, treating the mere presence of the parameter as “true”, regardless of the value or datatype.


curl -X POST https://www.beeminder.com/api/v1/users/me/goals.json \
    -d auth_token=abc123 \
    -d slug=exercise \
    -d title=Work+Out+More \
    -d goal_type=hustler \
    -d goaldate=1400000000 \
    -d rate=5 \
    -d goalval=null \
    -d dryrun=false


curl -X POST https://www.beeminder.com/api/v1/users/me/goals.json \
    -d auth_token=abc123 \
    -d slug=exercise \
    -d title=Work+Out+More \
    -d goal_type=hustler \
    -d goaldate=1400000000 \
    -d rate=5 \
    -d goalval=null \
    -d dryrun=0

, or

curl -X POST https://www.beeminder.com/api/v1/users/me/goals.json \
    -d auth_token=abc123 \
    -d slug=exercise \
    -d title=Work+Out+More \
    -d goal_type=hustler \
    -d goaldate=1400000000 \
    -d rate=5 \
    -d goalval=null \
    -d dryrun="false"

Response is a json of the goal but the goal has not been created.

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