Calendial-Concomitant Continuous Commenting


I finished Getting Things Done! There was some good stuff in there but also a tremendous amount of “the publisher thinks a 200 page book will look better” fluff. I’ve set the goal to end tonight using @shanaqui’s excellent guide[forum].

I started the next Vorkosigan Saga book, Cetaganda, and set up cetaganda for it. I started reading it at the gym today, so its first data point is kindle location 1726, not 0.


I derailed on chess-study this week. It’s a Toggl-integration goal, which means it has to be due at midnight, which I forgot about—most of my goals are due at 1am. I could have looked at my phone at, like, any point, and noticed that, though.

Changes and Notes

  • I scheduled an archive for chess-study just now: my primary motivation to improve was going to an in-person chess club in town, and I’m moving soon, so I’ve lost motivation. I scheduled “look for chess club/meetup options” for a few weeks after the move, though, so hopefully I find something good and find myself remotivated to bring this back. I haven’t stopped playing chess entirely, but… doing a ton of bullet games and not improving isn’t as galling when my only reason to play is fun bullet games.
  • I scheduled a long break for focusmate. With the move, a lot of my work is going to be from not-ideal-for-video-call locations, so I don’t want to worry about trying to make that happen while on, like, hotel wifi.
  • Ratcheted knitting down to 2 days again—there’s a change in pattern I need to fiddle with for a bit until I can get back in a smooth knittin’ groove, which has just enough of an ugh field to it that I want a little nudge from the goal.
  • Ratcheted brushday and brushdark down to beemergencies. I’ve been rather consistent at them, but it was starting to stress me out that I had so much safety buffer! I don’t want to be able to somehow go ten days without brushing and not have beeminder prodding me. I mean, I almost certainly wouldn’t, but now I can’t.
  • Steepened piano's autodialMin from 0 to 0.75 hr/week. A few recent breaks means all my autodialled goals have rather low rates at the moment, and that’s mostly fine & as-intended, but this one I wanted a slightly higher “baseline rate”.