Calendial-Concomitant Continuous Commenting


  • 2023W11: No breaks
  • 2023W12: March 21st through…
  • 2023W13: the 28th, for a ski trip to Snowbird, Utah.

Changes and notes

  • As you can see from my urgency load, my break did an excellent job letting me catch up! I was actually feeling really overwhelmed even with that, because of all the work to do on the house, so I made the break bigger and had a nice handful of days of not having to think about tracking at all. Except that threw off calendial, so I didn’t dial last week, and today is Monday. Oops! I’ll miss next week for my ski trip, but then should be back to my regularly scheduled programming.
  • I’ve started planning my Spring seasonal goals. I know I want to meditate more; that’ll be one of them. Other contenders: more efficient work hours, drink more water, have less hobby equipment, house renovation / improvement progress, improve wardrobe, fitness improvements (wrists specifically, also general gym consistency). It’s going to be a little tricky deciding what’s most important! Expect a post in this Resolutions thread between today and the 20th—I’ll link to it next calendial post as well.
  • My bedtime (tracked by sleepyhead) has moved from 1am to 12:30am: I’ve found I keep needing to be up early for house stuff, and haven’t gotten enough sleep recently. It has a ridiculous amount of buffer right now, but as usual I’m not going to fiddle with the buffers until after my upcoming break. I did, however, increase autodialMin from 0.3 to 0.4.