Calendial-Concomitant Continuous Commenting

@poisson here’s today’s! I manually edit in the number and color. I do something like <40 green, <60 yellow, <80 orange, >=80 red, but ofc you can pick any colors and thresholds that make sense for you :slight_smile: Every time I make a new post, first I Edit the previous one and copy out the badge image shape so I don’t have to actually remember the format or anything.

![urgency load - 35](

urgency load - 35

  • morning-routine dialed up to 0.6/day and ratcheted to a week
  • madebed ratcheted to a week
  • flossing dialed up to 0.9/d and ratcheted to a week

I was out of town this weekend for a short-notice funeral, so I had support stick a break on everything for a few days (thank you! <3) — those three goals are the ones that I didn’t actually need the break for so ratcheting them back into place now! Pleased with my progress towards greens over the past few days. We have friends coming over tomorrow night and they tend to stay late, which is completely welcome but does mean I need to get my goals prettied up ahead of time!

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Ah, I see, thanks!

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urgency load - 39

Recent ramp-ups are comfy! I took this week off work to do some reno work and some tailoring for the outfits my wife and I are wearing to a wedding this Saturday, so keeping up with the beems has been pretty easy overall.

The only problem I’ve run into with this much safety buffer is forgetting to enter data and then having to remember what I did over the past couple days when the goals eventually edge into orange! A good problem to have (but still annoying enough that I might try to figure something out. A pessimistic-presumptive something that requires me to enter some data, even if it’s 0s, for some number of goals? dunno.)

Another option is trying to form the habit of looking through the whole goal list before bed, minimizing them one at a time, or something. Not sure if that’s easier or harder than the PPR idea.