Feature Request: Time Stamped Data

FEATURE REQUEST: I sometimes forget if I entered data correctly, and just seeing the date doesn’t always help me. If I could see the time stamp as well, that would really help with this issue.

RELATED QUESTION: Where is the auto comment feature? That does include the time stamp when entering from Android. I turned it off, and for some reason I can’t find it to turn it back on. Please let me know.

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Hi! Timestamps already exist – just hover over the data, and you can see when it was entered, like this:

Out of curiosity, where would you have expected to find it? It might be useful to hear more about that!

The autocomment feature can be turned on and off in the app’s settings – again, it might be helpful to know where you expected to find it! :slight_smile:


The auto comment feature is EXACTLY where I expected it to be. I’m sure I looked there several times but just didn’t see it due to my goofy brain, so that’s not a problem.

Since I work from mobile most of the time, please consider adding the time stamp to the data log screen:
https://i.imgur.com/etGcGBT.png. Also, I don’t know if there’s a simple way to get the mouse hover event on Android in chrome?

I will say this… consider the Android user interface here

The delineation of topic heading vs. active link text isn’t intuitive to me.

There’s a few faint lines, and before I really took the time to think about it, it seemed like that faint line followed by the bright white font “Troubleshoot Notifications” meant that “Troubleshoot Notifications” was a heading, not an active link. I do think that threw me off several times. (But that still doesn’t fully explain why I missed the following setting.)

While I appreciate a dark theme, I think that for me, I would have more easily recognized the overall structure if it had been, for example, a white theme with dark bold title headings and non bold, blue colored text for “link” text. I also like the windows standard of postfix “…” to signify “, this will open a new dialog”. But that’s all just my opinion.

Also, for consistency, shouldn’t Auto comment data be available as a single, shared, system-wide setting affecting both the web and the Android interface?


…dang, I’ve been using beeminder for YEARS and had no idea the hover-timestamps were a thing! Never occurred to me to hover over my data points, esp. as beeminder’s site in general is pretty WYSIWYG; not a lot of hidden information.


One thing to note about hover-timestamps is that they’re for when the datapoint was created, not when it was most recently updated. That sometimes throws me for autodata integrations that update the original datapoint with the current value (e.g. gmailzero)