Hi folks!
I notice quite a few people have a “entered data” goal. I started whipping up a script for doing this automatically, for me.
At first, I was saying that all autodata goals would be ignored, and all non-autodata goals would be required to have daily input (even if it’s zeros or whatever), but some of the autodata goals are ones that I actually have to poke some other datasource…
So for me, I think a good compromise is to just have a list of goals to ignore for data, and a list to watch, and then a goal to drop a datapoint into when you have all the data in for today/yesterday.
I usually share stuff like this, and if enough people ask, I could even put this up on a little website so folks who don’t want to run Python scripts in the terminal can still get this.
Thoughts? Better criteria for which goals need data? Let me know.