Goal that gives me points daily but can never go below 0?

I am trying to implement a system where:

  • I am given an allowance of points to spend daily
  • Some actions earn me points
  • Some actions cost me points
  • I am charged if I ever dip below 0 points

How do I create this goal?

Really just need a goal with a flat rate of 0. If it can add the daily allowance that would great but I could do that myself or via the API.


You can make a do-more goal with slope zero, it works! So you could do that and add points for the allowance, subtract for spending!

You could also make a do-less goal with slope equal to the allowance, and add datapoints indicating the points you “spend”? Why not do that?


I do this with a standard do-less goal. The slope represents my daily allowance. I enter data manually when I want to use my points. In my case I have code that updates data points when I earn points, though you could enter negative data points manually if automation isn’t a good fit.

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