Gratitude journaling together

  1. self-gratitude-quota: i’m very grateful to myself that i started working on my ndu application today! this application requires me to create 3-4 creative things + a bigger thing until summer-ish. this is for something i want to do (an additional one-year uni-course starting september (?)) rather than something i have to do. while i’ve told people about my intentions and it would thus be Slightly Embarrassing to admit i didn’t do it after all, it still wouldn’t be That Big A Deal. so me starting on Thing One today, on a whim, without any pre-determined intention of doing so, was A Very Big Deal! i was so happy i did it, and i know i need to keep the momentum going, so i created a new beeminder goal for it :D fingers crossed! ;)
  2. i’m grateful for spending a fun evening with my flatmate. i guess this comes up a lot here, but he’s really dear to my heart, and we did have a lot of fun again tonight. i’m grateful that we consistently can make each other laugh, and that we can talk about anything.
  3. i’m grateful that i drafted my next post in enbee’s entries. it’s not nearly halfway done yet, needs tons of structure and content and polish, but a big chunk got done today, which is great! i don’t have a deadline for posting there, but since i’m still at the very beginning of my beeminder (journal) journey, i should probably keep the intervals as short as i can—if not, the posts will get even longer and even more convoluted, because i’ll have more things to say that i haven’t said before and that thus Need Much More Space XD