Gratitude journaling together

  1. i’m grateful for the bubble tea i got today after work. it was delicious, it was warm, it made me very happy! (okay, i was already in a good mood before i got it, but if it had been bitter or tasted less perfectly, i wouldn’t have been as happy, probably :P)
  2. self-gratitude-quota: i’m grateful i wrote a post about my experiences with bullet journaling, and how to possibly perfect it going forward. it’s a long post (typical), so beware if you want to check it out :P but putting my thoughts and experiences into written words already helped me grasp things better, i’m very grateful i did it!
  3. i’m grateful that my boss didn’t call me at work today. (he also didn’t call me outside of work, but that’s a given, thankfully!) i think this might actually be the first time ever that we haven’t spoken during my work days since i started there in september XD