Gratitude journaling together

  1. Gentle rain this morning.
  2. Croissants with ham for lunch.
  3. A responsibility shuffle at work, and I’m looking forward to my new tasks.
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  1. The Vimium C browser extension that lets me use vi-like keystrokes for navigating and controlling tabs.
  2. I finished some annoying documentation.
  3. Avocados.
  1. I’m back on FFXIV!
  2. Their support staff were super kind about it.
  3. None of my stuff got stolen.
  1. It’s warm enough now to be comfortable outside during the day without a jumper.
  2. Orange blossom scent while walking to the bus stop.
  3. There are lots of trees on the bus route to work.
  1. I sat on the side of the plane to get the view I’d particularly enjoy
  2. I was able to schedule some convenient appointments
  3. I have “good” blood pressure
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  1. Eclair wasn’t eating yesterday, but he’s a hungry bunny again today.
  2. The endless amusement a rabbit can get out of a cardboard tube.
  3. We’ve come up with at least three ways we can reduce our energy bills over winter. (There’s a cost of living crisis in the UK.)
  1. Supportive team members at work.
  2. I met some new friends of Jeremy tonight.
  3. Dried figs.
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  1. I have some new Discworld audiobooks, narrated by Indira Varma.
  2. These historical photos, some of which are sad but most are heartwarming or joyful.
  3. I accidentally made a full pot of tea when I meant to make only half a pot for myself so I was FORCED to have twice as much tea as planned.
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  1. I’m reading a book on postcards that I got for my birthday that’s really grabbing my attention right now. And I realised it was by a science/history writer that I liked before! And she has a book I haven’t read, on a topic of potential interest…
  2. I got good sleep last night.
  3. Supportive friends who comforted me about the fact that yesterday was the 10th anniversary of my grandad’s death, and who reminded me to remember the good times too.
  1. Texting with my aunt who I thought wasn’t answering my texts anymore.
  2. Somebody sent me cute sticky page markers ages ago, and they’re coming in handy to mark pages in this book I want to remember when I write a review.
  3. Mum is looking into something I suggested and would like to happen.
  1. Spent a lot of yesterday playing FFXIV: Endwalker. Wow.
  2. Should be able to do the same today, once my chores are done!
  3. Had a lot of restful sleep last night.
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  1. A long sleep-in this morning.
  2. An excellent cup of coffee.
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  1. Going back to an old habit of sitting in the living room (where my wife works) for the first part of the day is nice. I get to watch the bunnies capering around while I work.
  2. I’ve been reading a lot lately.
  3. Someone in my LSHTM Whatsapp group mentioned that we can get extensions of a year without having to pay a huge fee. I haven’t sorted it out myself yet, but worth trying.
  1. Poached eggs and fried black pudding for breakfast.
  2. A nearby tree is covered in pretty red flowers.
  3. Jeremy bought us some Glayva, a Scotch whisky liqueur.
  1. Only 30 quests until we finish the original storyline of FFXIV! So many questions to get answered in so short a time.
  2. We got our energy bill below £90 for the first time since the last price cap increase. It was August, so you know, no heating etc, but still, a good step.
  3. Been pretty productive this morning so far, feels nice.
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  1. I was given some very nice chocolate.
  2. Jeremy doesn’t mind when I leave the washing up undone for a couple of days (he cooks so I wash).
  3. Jeremy cooks!
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  1. Starting my day with reading. In this case, a reread of K.J. Charles’ A Fashionable Indulgence. Loved it all over again, glad I had time to finish it up this morning.
  2. FFXIV’s story is just… aaaah. I hope it’s going to stick the landing, but I’m loving the journey.
  3. Mum’s been visiting Grandma, and says her cataract operation is being sorted out, and so is an appointment with audiology. That might make it a bit easier to keep in touch!
  1. We had a large pile of mulch delivered today.
  2. Jeremy helped me move it away from the front gate even though he was about due to go out to visit friends.
  3. A scrub turkey had a great time digging around in it.
  1. Started reading a book that was compulsive enough I didn’t want to go to sleep, and then when I picked it up to do my bit of morning reading, didn’t want to get out of bed. (Under the Whispering Door, by T.J. Klune. I’m not even sure how much I like it, in some ways… but it’s pulling me along all the same.)
  2. Focusmate will help me get an ugh-y task done.
  3. Playing around with ideas with Lisa is always a lot of fun.
  1. Strawberries for my cereal this morning.
  2. A carved wooden table was not damaged after water was spilled on it.