
I’ve been using the behavioral web/mobile app called Happify (happify.com). Happify sets you on tracts with a series of activities designed to promote positive behavior, such as positive thinking, gratitude, and empathy. Reviewed in NYT. Can Happify be beeminded? The app doesn’t believe in stress or real deadlines so it is easy to fall behind. Thanks!

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I couldn’t figure out what exactly it did from its home page, but if it takes time you can beemind that (I am a huge fan of beeminding time, in fact I have only one non-time based beeminder goal, because you easily know how long it will take so you don’t risk getting swarmed with too much work and on days you don’t feel inspired you are not discuraged) and if it has small tasks you can beemind doing a number of these tasks a week.

There almost certainly isn’t an integration but that just means you will have to spend a few seconds updating your goals that day.

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Does it have an api? or a web page that shows you your progress? or a way to share how you’re doing with your friends? or email you to let you know how many activities you’ve done?

(All of these things are possible ways to hook it automatically to beeminder.)

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I think so but not sure about the API–not computer savvy enough. Maybe linked screenshots will help:

Tracks are usually 9 activities in length. You need to complete at lease six to complete the track. Then the counter resets to 0 when you begin the next track.

You have 4 days left to earn silver in Part 2
Activities Completed: 5
See my stats

There is a more detailed stats page for premium users.

I 'm looking for a happify/beeminder counter to give me cumulative credit for each track activity completed. I’m currently doing manual entry and was wondering if the two could be linked. Does this help?

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A quick google doesn’t reveal an API or data export from Happify.

If you get notification emails or something when you complete an activity or track, you may be able to process those, using Zapier or IFTTT, and update your Beeminder goal from there.

(Here’s a sample but unrelated IFTTT recipe; it’ll be easier once we get the official integration done and have a Beeminder channel.)

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Is there an option to make those stats public? Or can you only see them when you have logged in?

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