Hello, I’m new to Beeminder and want to use it to track my gym visits and verify that I actually go. I’ve set up IFTTT (also new to that) to trigger when I’m at my gym location and add a data point to my Beeminder gym graph.
I’m concerned that multiple data points might be added while I remain at the gym, instead of just one, since IFTTT might continuously trigger. Is that what would happen? If yes, how could I prevent that? To test how it works, I created another IFTTT trigger for my home location, but it didn’t seem to work.
Is this because IFTTT location triggers only activate when I enter a location and not when I’m already there? Or is there another reason why it didn’t work? I don’t want to risk losing money if my gym location isn’t triggering.
hey, in case you use iOS - I did the same, but I skipped IFTTT and used iOS Shortcuts instead. It added exactly one datapoint, only when I entered the location.
Can’t speak for IFTTT but I recommend that you set rate to $0 for 7 days and try yourself. Also support cancels charges if they’re not legit (happened to me), so I’d say give it a go and don’t worry 
Right, I use Android and the issue was actually that I needed to enter an area instead of just being in it.Or maybe it was just malfunctioning. Yes, I added 7 days as a safety margin. Now I’ll have to check how reliable it is over time.
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I do this exact goal… track gym visits by IFTT GPS. I haven’t had the issue you are talking about because I make the GPS pretty big-you can zoom in or out depending on how you want it. Even if you are checked in by accident, you can always ratchet the goal down.
I recently also started using IFTT GPS to ensure that I get to work on time. I set a pin right outside of my house and a deadline of 720am. I only work 2 days a week in the office. Since it’s right outside of my house… the trigger does go off pretty often, but I just ratchet it down when i’m in for the night before I go to work. If I forget, I’m already in the habit of waking up early so it doesn’t matter too much.
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