I'm Going To

Have you guys heard of this?

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Yes! I can vouch for the creator and pledged the dollar myself! So far he’s under the impression that there’s not enough demand for such a tool and I’d love to prove him wrong.

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Would that be roughly equivalent to beeminder if it had single-shot “goals”? Seems like there might be a lot of overlap in userbase! I’m sure a very big chunk of beeminder users (myself included! Already signed up) would love something like this.

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I’d love to prove him wrong as well!

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Love the idea. For these “single-shot” goals, I’ve been using Beeminder in conjunction with Boss as a Service (BaaS) with relatively good success: I send BaaS my important, one-off tasks and their prescribed deadline, and if I fail to provide adequate proof of completion before midnight of the due date, BaaS will send the datapoint to Beeminder on my behalf.


Update: looks like the website is not up any more. :frowning:

Yeah, we all got our one dollars refunded! That’s a shame that there wasn’t enough demand for it. I still strongly recommend Boss As A Service – https://bossasaservice.life/