Martin's Beeminder "Tagebuch" (journal)


  • I’m going on vacation today! Therefore all my goals are paused until the 11th.
  • “Ultimately I think the way forward is going to be to perhaps find the goals where cheating is more effort than not cheating. I have no idea how to cheat a weighing scales on a daily basis. Likewise I’d have no idea how to cheat a step-counter. If I only ever use Beeminder to lean into the goals that I don’t know how to cheat on, that’s still a good way of doing it.” How well put! Not knowing can be a huge plus.
  • Taking part in the first alpha of TaskRatchet has been a lot of fun. Seeing and being able to use a thing like this - even for a short amount of time - has really shown me how much I would LOVE to have a One-Off-Commitment-Contract-Tool like TaskRatchet.
  • I had to keep my reflections rather short this time, since I still need to pack before leaving.

Learning Finnish

Current goals:

No changes.

Keep a Daily Rhythm

Current goals:

One slack day per week on all of these works. I’m less stressed and still have to do the thing every day.

wakeupontime actually derailed non-legitely, because my wifi didn’t work (or rather the wifi did work, but not my cable modem).

Stay in Contact With Family

Current goals:

No changes.

Reading, Writing, Consuming Media

Current goals:

My new blogging process consists of three goals now. I have to come up with a topic for a post before writing a draft of a post and finally publishing it. Hopefully this’ll help me raise the quality of writing over there.

General Productivity

Current goals:

No changes.

Sports, Weight Related

Current goals:

The Yoga course is going well, but I have stopped losing weight, I think. Not sure yet what to do about it, but maybe I’ll come up with something when I’m on vacation.

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