max buffer units change


Did the units of the max-buffer settings change couple of days ago?
Seems like it was changed from measuring days to amount of buffer.
I liked the previous one better as it means I only need to change the steepness of the road in one place.

Hi Gal

Yes, it was this week, and no, it’s not universal.

Your do more (and other) goals still have both retro-ratchet and max-buffer settings in days. But ratcheting do less goals less likely to do the ‘right’ thing when, and the fix turned out to be to change the setting to be in buffer units.

This means, for instance, that I can specify on my drink-less goal that I don’t want more than, say, 5 drinks of safety buffer, without worrying about the relation to a changing slope.

I couldn’t find the announcement in a quick search, but there’s at least one very happy user:


That’s because we failed to announce it till just now:

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I’m happy to see this change! As a nitpick, the UI for it doesn’t seem to respect the integery setting. Not as useful as it could be:


Also, it seems strange that I can’t retroratchet this:

I have a buffer of +3, so why couldn’t I retroratchet down to +2, +1, or +0?

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Confirmed that it ought to let you ratchet that! That might be an easy #UVI after a recent bugfix from @bee…