Most elegant way to create one-off must-do event with penalty?

Thanks for asking about this, Devon!

When Devon asked this in the chat thing on Beeminder, I answered like so:

Great question! If you’re willing to ask on the forum i can start brainstorming there…

lemme dogfood that: (on the forum, after you post the question) :slight_smile:

So here’s me starting my brainstorming list!

  1. The MustDo System as you alluded to
  2. GTBee as @cgamer1 just mentioned
  3. as I dogfoodily demonstrated (private beta though)
  4. The /charge command built in to the Beeminder Slack bot
  5. Fancy things with IFTTT applets?
  6. Nebuminding where in the nebu-doc you type “Next step: do XYZ task (no typing more until that’s done!)” and now, boom, Beeminder is making you do the obvious next thing – kinda like the MustDo system but you precommit to it all being for a particular project
  7. Beemind your to-do list, especially with our Todoist integration
  8. A nonce Beeminder goal, using @zedmango’s procedure
  9. Boss as a Service

UPDATE: I’m editing this as new ideas pop up so we have a single coherent list of these. Again, great question!