My newest experiment: Locking myself into a routine

Thank you for the detailed reply! This is very helpful! I’ve bolded some of the key concepts for me to refer back to.

If you could I would really appreciate it!

Another option could be disjunctive goals, which you’ve suggested before:

The trick will be specifying the disjuncts with enough clarity to avoid weaseling but enough flexibility to account for life.

Are you still into disjuncts?

I may try something like your plan but with disjunctive goals.

Yeah, I think broad work slots will be key. Sounds like you just have very broad “work” slots and all work projects fit into that, rather than have more specific time periods for specific projects, right?

I think this is really key and I always forget about this, but it’s always really helpful for me. Only having to start takes a lot of pressure off and helps me get more done.

And I love the idea of harnessing this for the purpose of building consistency in the sequence I do things in! That’s brilliant.