Offer: $2000 to build remnote integration comparable to complice

2k for nice beeminder frontend in remnote.

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It seems that you have money.

If you have money, do you have a WearOS smartwatch?

For this same amount of money, I will build the official Beeminder for WearOS app.
It reminds you; vibrates a bit, and then emits a sting+cash register sound when you derail.
So, dear investor, what do you think about it?
Well, I might do it anyway, so you should keep your $$$.

Good luck on finding someone for your integration; I’ll pass the offer if I find good candidates :+1:

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What exactly are you trying to achieve? You’re wanting to beemind your remnote data? What metrics are you looking to track?

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Regularly reviewing cards like the Anki Beeminder scripts track

Number of random pages visited (to encourage reading old pages)

Number of draft pages

Number of todos

Any other metrics that seem handy

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Hmm ok. I’ll do a bit more looking and see about sending you a proposal.

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@oldmannick Still thinking this through… Definitely looks like building this is possible.

Here’s a tentative list of features:

  • When card is reviewed, send 1 to Beeminder goal
  • When any note is viewed, send 1 to Beeminder goal
  • When any draft note is edited/created/deleted/whatever, send draft note count to Beeminder goal
  • When any note is edited, send # of todos across knowledge base to Beeminder

The problem I’m thinking about is that you could make an endless list of such connections, especially if you also want to be able to have one event send to multiple goals, or send a -1 instead of a +1, etc, etc. How can we make sure we’ve clearly defined the scope such that this isn’t a problem?

Maybe this would be clearer to me if I was more familiar with how the Complice integration works, but any detail you could share on what exactly you’re looking for would be helpful.

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Email me at and we can set up a call. If you’re in the Bay Area we can meet

@oldmannick Sounds good. Feel free to redact your email address–I’ve got it saved now.